Chapter 23

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I woke up the next morning with a huge hangover and Draco seemed to be missing then I saw the bathroom door was open I took a potion and walk towards the bathroom only to see Draco bent over the toilet throwing up, he didn't even have a drop of alcohol yesterday .

"Draco is there something your not telling me " I say softly I look into his eyes, he looked to sad his beautiful face was stained with tear tracks and new ones replacing the old.

"Baby tell me what's wrong" 

he gives me a smile its like he's happy but worried about something

"I'm pregnant" he says

I froze for a second before bursting into a huge smile, he smiles too but there's something holding him back

"what's wrong dray?"

his smile drops, he starts to cry again.

" my father he cant find out  about this but I want to tell everyone about our little one" he says smiling towards the end  I wrap my arm around him smiling.

"okay baby if that's what you want" 

'I was right congrats little one' I know that voice


hey hope you  enjoyed this chapter leave in the comments what you want the baby's name to be  and guess who's back byeeee

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