Chapter 45

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As the Bullhead landed Y/n saw the teachers of Beacon already waiting for him and at their frontline was his aunt Glynda. The two looked at eachother both with equally sad smiles.

Glynda: "It is good to see you again my little phantom." Glynda said in a voice akin to that of a mother and in a way she always was Y/ns mother.

Y/n: "It is aunty... I just wish it would be for less grim reason." Y/n said. The two embraced eachother in a hug as Y/n began to tear up. "I don't want this aunty... I asked the Relic for any possible way to evade this fate of yours but alas there is no other way." Y/n said sadly. Glynda smiled, a few tears in her eyes, she cupped Y/ns cheeks and made him look at her.

Glynda: "My little phantom." She began. "My life led up to this and as sad as it is I am happy to know that for the last time I can help you."

Port: "Your majesty, everything has been prepared, a new headmaster has been selected and informed about his promotion. Please enjoy your time with your aunt. Children if you could follow." Y/ns friends looked at him and after recieving the go ahead from Y/n they followed their ex-teacher.

Glynda: "So how is it to be the king of Remnant?" Glynda asked with a teasing smile.

Y/n: "I hate the attention." He heard his aunt chuckle before breaking out into laughter. "Yeah, yeah I know, that is basically what I always wanted, but I did not want it to be out of nowhere. I am glad my Semblance still works fine, meaning I can go out without having people kneel down once they see me." Glynda smiled at Y/n.

Glynda: "Y/n, sweety, you might not fully grasp it but you always had a big impact on the lifes of those around you." Y/n looked at her confused. "Isobel, the fox Faunus girl you helped back at Signal, she quit becoming a Huntress but with the help of her parents she opened up an orphanage where she is helping both humans and Faunus. A boy named Jaune Arc called a while back telling me that he met you and how you sat him straight about his dream of becoming a Huntsman and instead become a doctor. The people of the village he is working at are very happy with having him there to keep them fighting against the Grimm. Not just that, since you took up the role of King of Remnant the kingdoms are thriving, peace negotiations between humans and Faunus have made more progress than in all years before, the criminals of all kingdoms have become less active and life outside the kingdoms has become safer. Sure not everything can be said to be your doing but with just a closer look it is apparent that what you are doing is causing a chain reaction. The actions of you and your friends has made others act all around Remnant. I can not be any prouder of you Y/n." Y/n smiled as he once again enveloped his aunt into a tight hug. Silent sniffeling could be heard as Glynda soothingly rubbed his back. "Let it out. I will be here for you, now and forever."

Y/n: "I will miss you aunty... I love you." Glynda gave Y/n a kiss on his forehead before smiling fondly.

Glynda: "I still remember the first time you called me that, you were 4 and I could swear my heart was going to explode because how cute you were." She took out her scroll and searched through her pictures until she found the one she was looking for. Y/n looked and saw himself as a young child, probably around 5 being held by... Summer, snuggled next to him were Yang and Ruby. "Summer and I were great friends and since it was not rare for your parents to forget about you I would be the one taking care of you and ocasionally I would take you with me to visit Summer and her daughters. It is great to see you three still getting along and even better seeing that Summers wish of you becoming one of her daughters boyfriend or husband becoming real."

Y/n: "What?"

Glynda: "Oh Sum would always go crazy about which of her girls would be better suited for you, it was nearly the only thing we would talk about." Glynda said with a laugh. "But who would have seen it coming that you would just take both." Y/n was silent as he processed the new information before he too began to laugh.

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