Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.

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Ruby: "Wait you beat up dad?" the red reaper asked wide eyed. The group sat together in the dinning room, retelling their adventures while seperated.

Yang: "He sure did sis. You should have seen dads face after I told him about Y/n being at the bottom of the combat rating." Yang said with a big smile.

Phyrra: "Still beating not only one but two fully trained huntsmen, not to mention two members of team STRQ all on your own is really impressive Y/n." She admitted.

Nora: "How did you do it Captain? Did you use you crazy phantom powers?" Nora asked excitedly. Y/n took a sip from his tea and sighed.

Y/n: "I hate to say it like this, but my Semblance is acting strange." This caused everyone to become silent as they looked at him worried. "It took me 2 years to fully understand my Semblance after it unlocked. 1 Year to find a way to use it. Than for the next 4 years nothing happened even though I trained day after day. Than suddenly I unlock Phantom mode. A week later I had full control over it. And now I gained another ability with whatever Im going to name this thing. Its strange, my Semblance is one of the few known passive ones, it isnt supposed to evolve like other Semblances ,yet it did just that and who knows what could come next." Y/n friends look at him before Ruby got up and placed her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her.

Ruby: "Dont worry Y/n, whatever you unlock next Im sure you are going to master it." She said with a smile.

Y/n: "Thanks Ruby." a small smile came to his face.

Ren: "If you dont mind me asking, what is this ability you recently unlocked?"

Yang: "He can ignore Aura. "She said like it was nothing special. Everyone else went silent once again.

Nora: "Ehm... What?"

Y/n: "I can infuse all my aura into my fist which will make it go through someones aura. My guess is that due to my Semblance my enemies Aura just, how to say this, forgets about the attack? I have no idea. What I do know is that it only works as long as my enemy doesnt know about it and only if I use all my Aura. Also turns out that the person after cant really use their aura to heal the damage dealt by that attack. Again my guess is that it is because their aura just doesnt notice the attack even if they are hurt." he explained. His friends were just staring at him while he took another sip from his tea. "This is some great tea, thank you Ruby."

Ruby: "Ehm... No problem. Are we just going to ignore the fact that this new ability of yours is probably the strongest thing ever?" her voice showed her confusion.

Y/n: "Meh. There are some stronger skills than that. Dont forget that it is a glass canon. A single mistake could cost me my life. Now how about we talk about the grimm we encountered?" he asked as he took out his personel Grimmiary.

Phyrra: "Great idea. We managed to get some info on the Nucklavee. Let me just go and fetch my Grimmiary." She walked off and the free members of team RWBY looked at Y/n confused.

Weiss: "What is this Grimmiary Phyrra mentioned?" she asked.

Ren: "Let me explain." he took out his own copy and handed it to Weiss, while Nora handed hers to Ruby and Y/n his to Yang, the three started flipping through the pages with great interest. "As you can see these books have every bit of information on the Grimm we have encountered so far in them. Y/n came up with the idea as a way to help us study for professor Ports tests, but after realizing that there are no such books we talked to the headmaster and he asked us to continue our research. " Ruby stopped at the page containing the currently known Titans.

Ruby: "Where did you get this much intel on the two titans?" she asked.

Nora: "That is all from Captain himself. If you didnt notice he is super duper smart." Y/n looked a bit embarrassed at his teammates praise.

The Weak RWBY X MalereaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora