Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest

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A wave of the feeling of apathy crashed over Y/n and his friends, with Y/n being the only one that had enough will to keep standing as the others sat down with a dead look in their eyes.

Qrow: "Just relax Hawky..." Qrow mumbled as he sunk deeper into the cushions of the couch he sat on. Worried Y/n took a look around and found his friends all in a similar state of disinterest and he himself felt how the fight was slowly but surely sapped away.

Y/n: "Stay awake..." Y/n ordered as he steeled his eyes towards the first skeletal looking grimm that entered the room, a group of atleast 20 followed the creature. Step after step Y/n and the grimm came closer to eachother until they were a mere meter away from eachother. Y/n stared into the red eyes of the grimm as it looked almost curious. This look of curiosity was probably due to facing a mere human that was not only able to mostly withstand the effect the Apathy has on people, but also that this human showed no sign of fear or worry, no, the grimm felt the anger seep from the boy that stared them down.

The one that led let his jaw fall open to grotesque width before letting out an ear piercing screach. The screach made Y/n suddenly feel weak, his knees shook as his shoulders and eyelids felt heavy, but he stood his ground. With a quick motion two lines were carved into the floor using his, luckily still equiped, weapons. Y/n choose to ignore the sudden appearance of a second version of his arm guard as he focused his stare back at the awaiting grimm infront of him.

Y/n: "Step over the first and you will be hurt, step over the second and you are dead." Y/n threatened and to his surprise the grimm actually took a step back. "You are smart, probably due to your age. How long were you held captive down in that basement?" he asked not really awaiting an answer but once again he was being caught off guard as three grimm rose their hands, two had all fingers raised while the last only rose 7 of the skeletal fingers. "27 years."

If someone were to watch they would think they went crazy from the grimms effect on them but there stood a huntsmen-in-training in front of a horde of grimm but neither side moved to attack the other and they communicated.

Y/n sighed as he rubbed his head in thought.

Y/n: "If I let you live you will cause many, many deaths." He said and the grimm hung their heads. "You seem rather human for grimm. Is your ability something you can control?" the creatures shook their head in agreement. "What are you?" Y/n blurted out.

The leader kneeled down and used his boney fingers to carve drawings into the ground. The first was a group of stick figures, humans, Y/n guessed as they lacked the elongated arms the Apathy has. Then a group of squiggly lines.

Y/n: "Gas?" a head shake showed his guess was wrong. "Worms?" A nod.

The next picture showed a squiggly line and a human being connected. The last made Y/n feel pity, it showed a human lying in bed as a shadowy mass was next to it, forming into the apathy.

Y/n: "You are the husks of humans, you steal peoples energy cause these worms stole yours." Y/n said and he was answered with nods. "If you let my friends regain their energy I will give you all the energy you will ever need." Y/n promised as he held out his hand. The leader looked confused at the gesture but after looking at his group and earning nods from all of them he took the boys hand and so sealed the deal. The group swarmed Y/n who stood his ground with a small smile on his face.

It was morning as Raven awoke from a stray ray of sunshine hitting her face. Grumbling she got up and realized the strange scene around her, everyone was either on the ground or on the pieces of furniture fast asleep, but what was strange was that they looked like they suddenly fell asleep then and there, it looked like they didnt choose their sleeping spot. Memories of Y/n reawakening and a sudden feeling of tiredness came to her mind as she looked around for her boss. She found him standing in the doorway his arms crossed. Something was strange. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. Her eyes nearly popping out of their sockets as she saw the remains of the massacre that most likely happened. She saw the black soot covering the walls surrounding Y/n. Carefully she stepped closer. The first step on the soot made her realize just how much of it there was. Her foot sunk in by atleast a centimeter.

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