Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal

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The Vote has ended and Y/ns new weapons will be revealed this chapter. To all of you whose weapons were not chosen, please just bare with it. 

Ruby was happily hopping along the walkway, occasionally turning towards her two companions who both followed a few steps behind. Qrow and Y/n were having a friendly chat, talking about their adventures, even if Y/n only had a few to talk about. Ruby quickly dashed towards them, taking one of their hands before dragging them towards the closer coming weapon shop.

Ruby: "COME ON HURRY!" she shouted excitedly while Qrow and Y/n sighed at the same time, they glanced towards on another before smirking. The two of them quickly became great friends, partly because both of them know how the other feels with his semblance another reason for Qrow liking Y/n is that for somereason even his Missfortune seems to ignore him. At first Qrow thought it was just chance but after the twentieth accident happening to everyone else but Y/n, he realized that Y/ns semblance counters his, resulting in Qrow feeling like weight was taken of his chest, for the first time in ages he had someone he can spent time with, without having to fear their wellbeing. The trio suddenly stopped and Y/n looked towards the Shops name.

Y/n: "'Epic Flails'? When did Yang open up a weapon shop?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ruby: "Yeah the owner has the same kind of humor as Yang, but trust me he makes great weapons."

Qrow: "Ok kiddo lets go so i can start training Y/n with his new weapon." The three enter the shop and a small bell was heard, soon a lime green haired man came through a door. 'probably the workshop.' Y/n thought.

Owner: "Ah Ruby. Run out of ammo again?" the owner asked.

Ruby: "No Peri, my friend here needs a new weapon and he asked me to help, so i brought him here." she explained and the now named Peri turned towards Qrow.

Peri: "Ah what are you searching for?" Qrow and Ruby chuckled before Y/n answered.

Y/n: "Preferably a versitile ranged weapon, has to be reliable and needs to be nearly soundless. The gun should have as low of a recoil as possible." Y/n listed of as Peri tried calming his heavily beating heart.  Once he calmed down he looked at Y/n.

Peri: "Next time you sneak up on me like that i will shoot you." Y/n shrugged nonchilant. "Ok to the weapon you are looking for i might have something in the back. Wait here while i get it."

Peri left the room and Qrow turned towards Y/n.

Qrow: "Ok you seem to have an idea for a ranged weapon already but what about the melee one?" Y/n was about to answer as he received a message on his scroll. He took his scroll out and read the message.

James: - Hey Y/n this is the James, i got your scroll number from Ozpin. I forgot to tell you that your arm has blades already build in. To deploy the blades, form a fist and flick your wrist downwards, to expand it flick your wrist again while explanding your pinky finger, to put the blades back into the arm just stop making a fist and flick your wirst once more. Hope it is to your liking.-

Y/n put away his scroll and looked at Qrow and Ruby.

Y/n: "The melee weapon can be checked off of the shoping list." he took a step away from his companions and did as James said. A nearly inaudible shink sound was made as two jagged, 30 centimeter long blades came out of the top of Y/ns robotic arm. Ruby gasped and nearly busted Qrows eardrums as she screamed about how cool that was. "Wait the general said it can expand, lets test it. " He did the motions to expand the blades and the expanded to double the lenght.

 " He did the motions to expand the blades and the expanded to double the lenght

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