Chapter 14: the Breach

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Ren, Nora and Phyrra visited the now awake Y/n, he took the loss of his arm quiet well, as well as someone can take it that is. After waking up he was panicing and the doctors had to calm him, but after explaining everything he slipped back into this usual calm personality. Doctor Jan told Y/n that he will have to stay at the infirmary for atleast a week and he wont be allowed to fight for the next 2 weeks after that. This was disappointing to Y/n, he wont be able to fight in tournament and so wont his team. Right now Team Jnpr were sitting together just chatting.

Nora: "Ohh, i cant wait till you get your new arm! Its going to be awesome!"  she said cheerly earning chuckles from her friends and a small smile form Y/n.

Y/n: "Its most likely just an arm nothing special, maybe if i ask they could add a blade or something like that."

Phyrra: "You are taking this suprisingly well." She said a bit confused. Y/n gave her a smile before leaning back into this bed.

Y/n: "There is no use of crying about spilled milk, or lost limbs in this case. I knew it was dangerous to fight the Sobek, i knew that being a Hunstman will eventually cost me a limb or possibly my life and i am fine with that. I just hoped it would happen a bit later." The last part he looked solemnly to where his left arm used to be.  He than looked back at his friends who had varying levels of worry written on their faces. "Dont look at me like that, we all knew the risks when we signed up, we just have to make the best out of the situation, i lost my arm killing a grimm that could have killed dozens of civilians, a fair trade if you ask me." A knock was heard at the door to the room. "Come in." The door opened to reveal Ozpin and Glynda.

Ozpin: "I hope we are not interrupting." He said politely.

Y/n: "Of course not, please have a seat. " Y/n looked around and saw that every chair was already occupied. "I would say if there was a chair available." He added with a smile. Glynda let out a sigh of relief seeing that her nephew didnt take the loss of his arm too badly.

Ozpin: "No need, your Aunt and i just wanted to inform ourselves on your condition, Doctor Jan called us and told us you awoke, so we came to speak to you." He took a sip from his coffee. "Could you give us some privacy with your leader?" he asked Y/ns teammates who were at first reluctant but after Y/n gave a small nod to signal them it was ok they left. Ozpin and Glynda each took a chair and sat down next to Y/ns bed. Y/n tried sitting up but Glynda pushed him back down.

Glynda: "Keep laying down, you earned yourself the rest." she said sternly.

Ozpin: "Your teammates might have already told you but let me say it again face-to-face to you, you did a great job out there, you made the right choice with fighting the Sobek."

Y/n: "Yeah great choice i lost an arm whoop die do." Y/n rolled his eyes, Glynda looked at him sternly but Ozpin just gave a small chuckle.

Ozpin: "Not the best outcome, but it was still the best decision, it was not your nor your teams fault that you lost your arm, it is solely mine and Azure who can be held responsible for your injuries. I sh-"

Y/n: " STOP!" he said angrily making the headmaster focus on him. Ozpin was shocked, not only did the calm and polite Y/n just shout at him, but in his eyes he saw that he makes no one responsible for what happened. "Please Ozpin, dont take the blame, it was my decision to jump between my teammate and the grimms attack. And to be honest i would do it again and again, they would do the same for me, this time it was my turn next time it might be someone elses, important is that we managed to defeat that damn lizard and that with only minor injuries."

Glynda: "Minor injuries?! You call loosing an arm a minor injury?! Are you out of your mind?!" she scolded.

Y/n: "Aunt! Aunt calm down, yes i see a single limb lost as a minor injury seeing that that Sobek was way bigger than it should have been, if i didnt see it myself i would have said it was morphed multiple years ago and not just a few weeks ago." Ozpin rose an eyebrow.

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