Bio / Prologue

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Name : Y/N Jade

Age : 17 (varies in flashbacks)


Mother : Ivory Jade

Father: Krim Jade ,former Krim Goodwitch

Brother:  Azure , The Azure Knight, Jade

Aunt: Glynda Goodwitch , sister of Krim Jade

Looks :

Weapons :

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Weapons :

*the one with black blade is called Shadow, the one with the white blade is called Light BOTH are nearly complete silent

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*the one with black blade is called Shadow, the one with the white blade is called Light BOTH are nearly complete silent

Battle attire:

Semblance: Named Phantom, its always active, the user has a very low presence, making it hard for others to notice him, Grimm tend to also not notice the user

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Semblance: Named Phantom, its always active, the user has a very low presence, making it hard for others to notice him, Grimm tend to also not notice the user. The semblance also has a second part to it ,which the user can activate himself, while activated the user can either become invisible or cause the people and grimm to focus on him, while invisible the user sometimes can see the weakspots of enemies.

Aura : Light blue.

Personality: Kind, determined, often times neutral/ emotionless, jealous of his brother

Likes: Making friends, people who like him for who he is, helping others

Dislikes: Being compared to his brother, being reminded of his brothers achievements , being forgotten.

The Weak RWBY X MalereaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang