Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven

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The sun barely rose over the horizon as Yang and Y/n prepared to continue their journey. Yet as they were about to drive off someone called for them.

?: "Hey wait!" The two turned around and saw Jaune running towards them, he was fiddeling with the straps of a white chestplate and Y/n noticed the sword, which decorated Jaunes cabin, seemingly wrongly attached to his belt. Yang gave Y/n a questioning look and he just gave her an unknowing shrugg. Jaune came to a stop in front of them, panting heavily from his rather short sprint. "I. Im coming with. You." He panted out. The two huntsmen-in-training stared at him before Y/n decided to speak up.

Y/n: "No. No you are not." he said his voice leaving no room for arguement.

Jaune: "What?! Why not? I want to help." he said.

Y/n: "How do you plan on doing that? By using your giant reserve of Aura to be our meat shield? You are even less trained than I was then I joined Beacon." Y/n said sternly. Jaune looked at him feeling betrayed.

Jaune: "You have to take me with you. This is probably the only chance I can get to become a hero." his voice was pleading.

Yang: "Jaune li-" Y/n got off his bike and stood in front of Jaune, glaring, making the boy shake in fear.

Y/n: "We HAVE to? Please, do tell, why do we have to take you with us? Because from what I can gather you were clearly unfit to join Beacon, your stamina is worse than that of first year from combat school, you seemingly dont know how to properly wield a sword or else you would know that it should be fixed on the opposite side of your wielding hand, which is your right yet you fixed it to the right side of your hip, making it a hassle to unsheath. Also are you really so ignorant that you think being a Huntsmen makes you a hero? Dont make me laugh, all huntsmen are are a mean to an end, they are an expandable good, the kingdoms send them to fight creatures that could kill them in the blink of an eye. If you want to be a hero stay here and continue your job as the local doctor, maybe go to one of the kingdoms main cities and become a doctor there, because while Huntsmen are the ones that slay the grimm, doctors are the ones that make sure they can continue doing so. Just take me and Yang as an example, without the proper medical treatment we wouldnt be here today, I would have never even made it to the tournament." Y/n finished his rant by getting back on his bike, not looking at the boy whos dreams he might have just crushed. "I can put in a good word with my Aunt, the headmistress of Beacon, to allow you to try to get through initiation, but I can tell you now, you will fail and maybe even die. Your aura is worthless if you cant kill the thing that is hitting you." Y/n looked at Yang and motioned towards the gate with his head. Reluctantly she nodded and the two drove off leaving a sad Jaune behind. Yang watched Y/ns back as they drove in silence for at least an hour, until they had to refuel, they stopped at a gas station and Yang looked at Y/n.

Yang: "Was it really nessecary to be that harsh with him?" She asked.

Y/n: "Maybe not, but it was the best I could do to stop him from chasing a dream he will never fullfil without telling him the truth about this world. Sure having someone with the ability to heal on our team would have been pretty nice, but if that someone just isnt fit for the fight they are only going to be dead weight." He saw Yang look at him in a questioning mannor. "I know, I know, what makes me different from him. We both arent the best fighters. With his reserve of Aura he might be able to beat me. Yet I know how to fight with what I have. I come up with plans that dont really revolve around my physical strength and win that way."

Yang: "I think I get it now." A small sound signalled them that their bikes are fully fueled. "How about we get something to drink, the heat is getting a bit much." She underlined her point by swiping away the built-up sweat on her forehead.

The Weak RWBY X MalereaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora