Chapter 2: Initiation

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?: "Its morning! Its morning! Its morning" a VERY energetic girl song, waking me up. Looking around i saw that most students already started preparing for the initiation. I got up, took my combat attire and toothbrush and entered the bathroom, changed and brushed my teeth. In the bathroom i saw the same energetic girl from earlier constantly talking to a boy with long black hair with a single pink streak, as i finished brushing my teeth i went back to my stuff and packed it together. Once that was done i got a small breakfast consisting of some pancakes, an apple and a glass of milk. I had put away my tray and walked to the lockers to get my weapons. In the locker room i saw Ruby talking to Yang about breaking Ruby out of her shell, i decided to not interrupt their conversation and walked to my locker.

Weiss: "Well Phyrra, have you thought about who you might want to team up with? I guess everyone wants such a strong individual on their team." Weiss clearly wanted to go somewhere with the unneeded compliments towards the world renowned fighter Phyrra Nikos. I looked at the girls next to me and saw that Phyrra didnt seemed so happy about the attention she was getting.

Phyrra: "Im not sure, i was planning on letting the chips fall where they may." she told Weiss.

W: "Well i was thinking maybe we can be on a team together."

P: "Sure, that sounds grand." she said slightly unsure, i realized that she just agreed to not hurt Weiss' feelings, so i decided to intervene .

"You know Phyrra you dont have to accept everything just because you dont want to hurt someones feelings." i said and the girls looked at me in shock. "Yeah yeah 'Where did you come from?', to answer you question, i stood here since the time you ,Weiss, complimented Phyrra, trying to get on her good side so she will join your team." I explained.

W: "I didnt try to get on her good side so she will join my team!" she said angrily.

"What ever you say. OH i forgot to introduce myself, im Y/N Jade, before you ask yes im Azure Jade's younger brother, and you are Phyrra Nikos, a world renowned fighter and 4 times winner of the Mistral tournament. Now there are 2 possibilities , one , you are completely full of yourself thanks to you being undefeated, or , and i think this is the right option, you have enough of the attention you are getting and just want people see you as equal." i said and Phyrra looked at me happy.

P: "Wow you must be pretty smart to figure that out. But yes, i dont want to be seen as Phyrra the untouchable." she said with a smile.

"I dont see you as Phyrra the untouchable, mainly because i bet i could beat you in a fight, but only under the condition that it is at least a 2vs2." i said in a monotone voice. Weiss seemed to think that im crazy.

W: "You? Beating Phyrra? How do you plan to manage to pull that off?" she asked clearly underestimating me and Phyrra looked at me curious how i would manage to beat her.

"It would not be easy, BUT my semblance would be perfect in a fight against her, and even better in a fight along side her, my semblance, unfortunately will only work at it best if i had someone that helps me in the fight, but even if im alone i can use a few tricks to help me. To how i would pull that off , lets just focus on a fight 1 vs 1, my first step would be throwing one of my blades at her." i started to explain.

P: "Why would you willingly sacrifice one of your weapons?" she asked interested.

"Everyone in their right mind would either dodge or block a blade flying towards them, this will pull you attention away from me long enough for my semblance to take effect, next step would be either figuring out how i can get you to fall out of bounds or get you in a hold that will only leave the option to surrender." i said with a bit of confidence in my normally neutral voice, Phyrra seemed impressed at my plan and Weiss , was just being cold and walked away.

The Weak RWBY X Malereaderحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن