Chapter 21: First steps once again

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A/n: Im going to skip through the month of Y/n being stuck in the wheelchair. Also at the end of this chapter there will be another small vote.

The tension at the Rose-Xiao-Long household was high after the first week of Y/ns stay. Reason being that both Y/n and Yang were having constant nightmares preventing them from getting a full nights worth of sleep, Y/n being more effected by them than Yang. It all started small with Y/n being more passive in the conversations at the dinner table, but slowly but surely the fatigue was clouding Y/ns mind and so at the end of the 1st week of his stay he locked himself in the guest room only coming out to get a quick meal or to use the bathroom. Yang tried her best to talk to him but she was either unable to gain entrance to the room or Y/n quickly ended the talk by saying that he was too tired. Tai saw how this whole debacle was effecting his daughter and so he thought of a way to get Y/n to open up again, this idea led to something none of the three expected.

The doorbell rung in the afternoon, Yang was currently sitting on the couch switching through the different TV channels hoping to find anything to take her mind of Y/n, but no matter how often she switched the channel it didnt help. She was about to get up as her father came walking in.

Tai: "Dont worry Yang i got it. Can you try to get Y/n?"  Yang only nodded before trodding off towards the stairs. Once she reached Y/ns room she heard the sound of Y/n sobbing again, something she nearly heard everytime she walked past his room. Hesitantly she knocked and the sobbing ended suddenly.

Y/n: "Yes?" came weakly from the other side of the door.

Yang: "Hey Y/n... My dad wants to talk with you." She said in a soothing voice. After a few seconds of silence the door was unlocked and Y/n opened the door. The sight of him caused Yangs heart to ache, big bags were under his red and puffy eyes, tear marks ran down his cheeks and his eyes were dull, his usually calm and composed body language was replaced by a sagged back and hanging shoulders. The two just looked at each other and, without another word they made their way down the stairs. Once Y/n was back in the wheelchair he froze as he saw who was with Tai. His breath quickend and his face contorted to one of anger. Yang noticed this and asked her father. "Dad? Who are these people?"

Tai: "Oh Yang, this is Ivory and Krim Jade, Y/ns par-" He was interrupted by Y/n shouting.

Y/n: "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" The room went deathly silent, everyone was shocked by Y/ns outburst.

Ivory: "S-son, w-we were so worried." She started.

Y/n: "About what? That im still alive?!"

Krim: "Dont you talk to us like that." The father ordered.

Y/n: "OR WHAT?! You will ignore me even more? News flash, it has been 2 weeks. TWO. WHOLE. WEEKS. With me trying to call you twice a day and you didnt even bother to pick up. Heck i wasnt even invited to Azures burial!" Y/n was slowly loosing it as tears of anger and sadness escaped his eyes. "I watched him die..." He hung his head. "I was there, i was the reason he is dead, he saved my life and gave his. Its all my fault. All i wanted was for you to finally be proud of me, i worked myself to near death to finally be someone you are proud off and yet it was not enough. You still care about him more than about me. Not even a single call to make sure im alright, to ask how i am dealing with his death. And now you come here and say you were worried." His rant was met with silence. "Tsk. Fuck this." Y/n just rolled off towards the back yard. Noone dared to stop him.

Tai: "T-this was not like i thought it will be."

Ivory: "My baby hates me." she said quietly as Krim envoloped her in a loving hug.

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