Chapter 22: Training and new stuff

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It was a beautiful spring morning, the blue sky was clear of any clouds, the birds were singing and the smell of freshly blooming flowers filled the air. It was truely peaceful.

Y/n: "Oof!" it echoed through the wood as Y/n hit the ground, Yang standing, arm still streched out from the punch, a few metres away.

Tai: "And thats match. Yang won. Again." Taiyang said happily, as he sat on his houses back porch with a glass of lemonade in his hand. Yang swiped away the sweat on her forehead before walking towards the still prone Y/n.

Yang: "You ok?" She asked as she offered her hand to help him up. With a grunt Y/n grabbed the offered hand and stood back up.

Y/n: "Yeah im fine, still need to get my legs back into shape. The pain, my abdomen is in, doesnt help either." He said as he walked towards Zwei. As he walked towards the spot Zwei sat down at he noticed something that made him rise an eyebrow. "Hey Yang?"

Yang: "Yeah?" she asked.

Y/n: "Two things, one since when was there a chair and two doesnt it look familiar?" he asked pointing towards the corgi who was happily panting while sitting in a familiar looking chair. Yang took a few steps towards Zwei and was confused.

Yang: "Now that you mention it... Hey dad?" She shouted towards her father. "When did we get this chair?"

Tai: "What chair?" the adult asked confused while walking towards the two teens. Once he reached them he saw the chair and stopped. "I dont remember having ever bought this chair." Y/n stared at the chair as a thought came to his mind, he took out his scroll and looked through the galery. He browsed through his pictures until he finally reached the one he was looking for. It was a picture he took of his friends at the dance before their first missions. He looked at one thing in particular that thing was the nineth chair at the table of eight, which appeared out of nowhere. After looking back and fourth between the chair Zwei sat in and the chair in the picture he came to a conclusion.

Y/n: "Its the chair from the dance." He said, his eyes wide as saucers.

Yang:" You mean the mystery chair?"

Y/n: "Yep." he paused. "Lets scratch something into it and see if we ever encounter it again." Y/n unsheathed his prosthetics blades and walked towards the chair, once he reached it he started scratching the letters R,W,B,Y and J,N,P,R into the back of the chair. "This is so god damn weird. " he mumbled before walking back towards Yang. "Lets spar again."

Yang: "You sure? Not that im complaining but we thought like 10 times already and you havent won a single one." She said a bit reluctant, seeing that she didnt want to make Y/n think that she believes that he is weak.

Tai: "Yeah, i mean you beat me easily and now you struggle to even land a hit on Yang, what gives?" the adult asked.

Y/n: "Im not aiming to win." Y/n said bluntly as he started fiddleling with his blades.

Yang: "What?" She asked confused. "You dont want to win? Why?"

Y/n: "Practice." He simply said, but seeing the confused stares from the two Xiao Longs he sighed. "If i continue to rely on my Semblance i will loose against everybody that is able to notice me, thats why i am fighting you your way not my way."

Tai: "Yeah now that he mentions it, i was able to watch both of you the entire time, which is usually impossible seeing that Y/n cant really be noticed normally." Tai put his hand on his chin. "Maybe you should try that too Yang."

Yang: "Try what?" she asked.

Tai: "Fighting without your Semblance, i mean you only won the fights at the festival because of your Semblance." Tai turned towards Y/n as he started laughing. "What is so funny?"

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