Chapter 11: First mission.

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Y/n: "Did you really have to press all the buttons?" Ruby looked at him sheepishly while having a nervous smile.

Ruby: "Nooooo... " She trailed off , looking to the side trying to avoid eye contact with Y/n.

Y/n: "I swear one day you will find a big red button saying 'dont press' and without even thinking you will press it twice." Ruby turned towards him ,looking offended.

Ruby: "I would not!" Y/n just rose an eyebrow and Ruby sighed. "Ok maybe i would." she admitted. Y/n gave her a pat on the head and the doors finally opened. The two teamleaders quickly entered Ozpins office.

Ozpin: "Ah Miss Rose, Mister Jade, glad that you could make it."

Glynda: "You are late." She said sternly , making Ruby shrink into herself.

Y/n: "It is my fault, i pressed the wrong button on the elevator." He quickly lied trying to calm Ruby down and it helped.

Ironwood: "Dont worry, let me be the first to congratulate you, you did exactly what a Huntsman and Huntress should do, you saw something supicious going on and quickly made a plan. I am certain that you two will make great Huntsmen in the futur." He gave both of them a pat on the back.

Ruby: "It was Y/ns plan." She added and Y/n looked at her shocked.

Ozpin: "Then i think i should thank you Mr. Jade. Your plan was good, you send your fastest ally to make sure nothing bad happens while getting the right authorities as back up. Not just that but Ironwood told me you were the one noticing that one of the terminals has been tempered with am i right?" he asked taking a sip from his coffee.

Y/n: "Yes sir, I noticed the screen lighting up in red, so i told the general." The three adults all nodded.

Ozpin: "Ok is there anything you two can tell me about the intruder?"

Ruby: "Her clothing was glowing then she summoned her weapons but she didnt say anything."

Glynda: "She sounds like the person that assisted Roman the night we met miss Rose."

Ironwood: "Infusing clothing with dust is an age old technique it could have been everyone." he added and Y/n looked in thought.

Y/n: "I think i remember her saying something to Ruby but i wasnt able to understand." Everyone turned towards Ruby who gave a thankful look to Y/n.

Ruby: "Now that you say, i think she said something about a hideout in the south."

Glynda:" I thought you said she didnt talk?"

Y/n: "Ruby was quite focused on fighting yesterday and she might be nervous seeing that not only one but two headmasters are interrogating her, so making a small mistake while recounting the story can happen."

Ozpin: "Well said Mr. Jade and thank you Miss Rose, you two can return to your team, you will get your first missions shortly so i would recommend getting some last minute preparations done before that." Ruby nodded and walked towards the elevator.

Y/n: "Ruby head back without me ,i need to ask the headmaster something."

Ruby: "Ok see you back at the dorms." The doors closed and Y/ns small smile turned to a serious look.

Y/n: "You checked the systems right?" Ozpin took another sip and nodded.

Ozpin: "Again i cant repeat how thankful i am, turns out the intruder managed to put a virus into the systems responsible for the broadcast of the turnament."

Y/n: "So they planned on doing something at the festival, most likely involving the fights. If i had to guess they planned on doing something that could lead to panic, maybe 'accidently' hurting someone or worse kill them, all the while broadcasting the whole thing world wide."  The generals eyes widened.

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