Chapter 15: Let the Games begin

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The night was a long one for Y/n, he might have acted fine in front of everone but inwardly he was everything else than fine. He was angry, angry at his brother for just ditching him and his team, angry at himself for getting hurt so badly, angry at Roman for attacking Vale and angry at Ironwood for allowing one of Cinders lackies escape, next emotion was stress, the stress from the mission was still high and now the stress from organizing the defence of Vale and the tournament, which will start in less than a week, both add to it. Y/n also felt fear. He fears what could happen in the future, he knows he is still too weak, the loss of his arm just further proofed it. The entire night he layed awake unable to fall asleep, his mind processing everything that happened over the past few days and the pain his left shoulder is in wasnt really helping. Although his aura recovered relativly fast it was still not enough to heal the wounds he had.

It was 7 in the morning as the alarm went off, signaling Y/n that he stayed awake the entire night. A long sigh escaped his lips and he tried to rub his tired eyes but instincly he wanted to use his non-existent left arm to do that simple task. The door to his room was slowly opened by Dr. Jan.

Dr. Jan: "Good morning Mr. Jade, i hope you had a nice rest." Y/n just gave a slow head shake as his answer. "Oh... i see. You have visitors but if you dont feel like it i can send them away."

Y/n: "No, let them in." The doctor clearly heard how tired his patient was and adopted a stern look.

Dr. Jan: "You have one hour before i will send them away so you can rest." He said with voice that left no room for discussion so Y/n just nodded.  The doctor turned around. "Ok you can come in. I repeat one hour."  Some bummed sounds of agreement came and the door opened fully. Into the room stepped team RWBY and the rest of Y/n team. Y/n just gave them a quick glance before turning back to look out of the window.

Ruby: "How are you doing?" she asked a bit worried.

Y/n: "To be honest, i feel like shit. Im tired but cant fall asleep, i want to get out of bed and do something but just cant find the motivation to do so. I struggle to do simple things like rub my eyes or scratch my back, everytime i try to use my left arm to do so and just get the same result." Y/n explained solemnly.

Yang: "If you want i can give your back a nice scratch." She offered , trying to break the awkward silence that followed Y/n explaination. Y/n just gave her a small nod and ,although with a bit of struggle, sat up so the blonde brawler can reach his back.

Y/n: "If you would be so kind, the ache is right on my left shoulder blade." Yang stepped forth and scratched the spot Y/n mentioned. "Thanks."

Phyrra: "So Ozpin really put you in charge yesterday?"

Nora: "You were awesome, you were like a real Captain even the general was impressed."

Weiss: "Although you could have given a few more instruct-" she was stopped by Blake who gave her a quick jab with her elbow. "I mean you did great." the heiress corrected herself.

Blake: "Thanks to you we were able to save a lot of people."

Y/n: "I just did what was right, i couldnt have lived with myself if all i did was sit around in bed while my team and my friends are out there fighting."

Ren: "But you should think about yourself, you still need rest and yesterday was very stressful." The rest nodded in agreement.

Ruby: "You and your team wont fight in the tournament right?"

Y/N: "If Ozpin gets the juries and the other headmasters to agree i will be allowed to lead my team from the background, they will be fighting 3vs 4 and i will only be allowed to give orders but we would still be allowed to attend."

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