Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face

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Intercom: "Dear Passengers we will arrive at Vale Habor shortly, we apologize for possible delays in the local public transports due to the repairs after the event of the Fall." the voice of tha captain came over the ships intercom. Yang turned towards Y/n who was currently looking deep in thought, something she saw him do alot since the day Tai told Yang about her mother Yang.

Yang: "Come on Y/n lets go and get our bikes before we get stuck in the army of people who want their stuff." she joked , Y/n gave a small smile before following her. Soon the two off them were on their way towards the boarder between Vale and Mistral. The trip was quite, if you ignore the occasional group of grimm, and soon the sun began to set. Y/n made the suggestion of going to the next village and hope to stay there for the night. "Only if we share the room." she said in a flirtious tone. Y/n just smiled.

Y/n: "Isnt that the same thing we did for the last month or so back at yours?" he asked recieving a shrugg from Yang.

Yang: "But now I dont have to hold myself back so my dad wont hear us do something indecent." Y/n grew a heavy blush knowing what she meant with that. Its not like he never thought about taking their relationship further, but he always came to the conclussion of it not being the right moment. He sighed before looking towards Yang with a serious expression.

Y/n: "Yang... its not like I dont want to take the next step, but." He stopped to think of the right way of phrasing this. "We are currently on our way into possible danger, our friends are already there, I dont feel ready to do this." He pointed at himself and her repeatedly. Yang frowned before stopping her bike, Y/n did so too, she got off her bike and walked towards Y/n, quickly envoloping him in a hug once he got off his bike.

Yang: "I can wait." She said. "I can wait." She repeated, she leaned towards him and kissed him.

Y/n: "Thank you for understanding." He looked towards the setting sun. "Lets get to that village." She nodded and the two got back on their bikes. After the sun completely vanished behind the horizon the village came into view. It was surrounded by a simple wooden wall, some torches and guards could be seen. A sign saying 'Kousa' hung over the closed gate. The two stopped infront of the gate and a pair of guards came out.

Guard: "What do you want?" the first guard asked, Y/n noticed a tail, similar to that of a fox, swayed behind him.

Y/n: "We are currently on our way to Haven Academy and need a place to stay for the night." Y/n explained. The two guards looked at each other before nodding.

Guard2: "There is a inn near the town square, you can chain your bikes to a tree next to it. Please dont cause any trouble, we already have enough problems with the grimm and the bandits." Yang looked at Y/n and he nodded.

Yang: "If you want we can deal with the grimm around the village. We are Huntsmen from Beacon." she offered and the two guards started smiling.

Guard: "That would be a great help." he said before opening the gate, letting Y/n and Yang in. They got to the inn, ate a quick meal and got a room, falling asleep in each others arms. The next day they prepared for the comming battles against whatever grimm they might encounter. Y/n was currently fiddleling around with his wrist blades, again deep in thought, as Yang wanted to know what was going through his head.

Yang: "Hey Y/n?" a small hum escaped his mouth as he looked at her. "The past days you have been deep in thought a lot of times. What has you thinking so much?" She sat down next to him as he sheathed his blades.

Y/n: "I have been thinking about what to do once we meet Raven." he answered his stare fixed on the rooms window. "I believe we should try to get her on our side. But how will we be able to do that if all she believes in... " He stops and Yang saw a his eyes lighting up as if a he had an idea. "Is strength, thats it!" He got up from the bed leaving Yang as confused as before.

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