Chapter 19: Choices

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A/N: You will notice that the rest of the tournament will be told very quickly, this has the reason, of me not wanting to have another chapter focused on the tournament. At the end of this chapter there will be a vote which will determine the next few chapters. Also just so you are not disappointed because of the lack of new chapters know that writing this chapter took me forever and the next chapters will be similar. I will continue writing this book but like stated in the previous A/N it will take longer.

Port: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WELCOME! TO THE FINAL ROUND OF THE VYTAL FESTIVAL!" The boisterous voice of the professor echoed through the arena and was meet by cheers of equal volume from the spectators.

Oobleck: "Lets get right into it shall we?" The cheers grew in volume. "For the first round we have..." The screens switched and the faces of the last 4 fighters are shown , the 4 squares are then turned around to show the symbol of the Vytal festival. Next the 4 squares light up in random order, one at the time, until the light stops and the highlighted square is flipped to reveal Yangs face. "From Beacon Academy, YANG XIAO LONG!" The floodlights focus on one of the 4 entrances and Yang comes walking in, a confident smirk on her face as she waves towards the masses of spectators.

Port: "Lets see who she will have to face." The procedure repeats, this time with only three faces. The light stops and the highlighted square is flipped to reveal. "From Haven Academy, OXIDE BROUN!" On the opposite side of the arena an entrance is being focused on by the floodlights and a boy in heavy armor and with a giant shield is casually walking in.

Oobleck: "Who will win, Attack or Defense? An unstoppable force or an inmovable object? Lets find out. " The lights of the arena swirl around a bit before focusing on the battlering. The rest of the arenas lights are dimmed as a 10 second countdown start counting down. The two combatants are looking each other over, already trying to square them up and to find weaknesses. A loud horn signaled the start of the fight and Yang quickly took the initiative as she propelled herself towards the knight who, with impressive speed brought up his shield to block the incoming fist. Oxide quickly retaliated with a swing of his flail but Yang used his shield as a platform to perform a backflip away from the attack.

Yang: "Nice reflexes." She complimented her opponent who gave her a quick smile.

Oxide: "Nice punch, too bad it felt like a cotton ball hitting my shield."

Yang: "Oho? Than how about THIS!" she propelled herself forward and right before reaching the now blocking boy she used her weapons recoil to jump over Oxide and deliver a strong right hook to the back of his head. The boy took a step forward to gain back his balance before he turned aound to Yang, smirking.

Oxide: "Not bad, not bad. I nearly felt that one." he said smugly, earning a light growl from Yang.

Having enough of the talking the two engaged in an all out brawl. Punches hit a shield, flail hits missing, kicks connecting, a shield bash to the side, slowly the two combatants were chipping away at each others aura , all the while a giant crowd was cheering for both sides.

Meanwhile in the gym of Beacon Y/n was swiping sweat of his face, panting he focused back onto his trainer, Qrow, who stood ready with his sword.

Qrow: "Come on Hawk, this cant be all you have to offer. Where is that determination from yesterday?" the huntsman taunted. Y/ns mind meanwhile was working overtime, the short intervals of battle between the two replaying as he was working on a plan to take down Qrow. Slowly a plan forms as Y/n realized that he might be outclassed but not outsmarted, every failed try had something in common with the others. Y/n smiled as it finally clicked in his mind. "Dont get cocky." his trainer warned as he watched Y/n sheath the blades of his greave and take out a flashbang. "Too obvious." Qrow warned as he took the initiative, dashing towards Y/n, whose smile only grew.

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