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"When I hear your voice I know what it meansI know it doesn't matter just how hard I tryYou're all the reason for my life"

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"When I hear your voice I know what it means
I know it doesn't matter just how hard I try
You're all the reason for my life"

* * *

Bill laid awake that night with River resting on his chest. It was odd because everyone raves about sleeping beside their girlfriend and having her lay on their chest but it wasn't actually the most comfortable position in the world. He rather liked sleeping on his side but, all in all, if she got some sleep he would do anything for her. It didn't make that much sense to him how overwhelming it was for her since he has only ever known a life revolving around magic, to not and then have it dumped on you, it couldn't be easily fathomed.

If anything would push her to travel again this would be it. He was scared she wouldn't come back if she did and that was something he would never get over. It was obvious she wasn't ready to settle somewhere since she came back to England for a short break after the drama with her friends but this most certainly was not a break.

If it wasn't for the fact he had to work he would go with her. What if she found someone else? What if she found somewhere she felt at one with and it was nowhere near him or England? He was so infatuated with River Dawson that if that ever happened he would be beside himself! Like a lost puppy.

He traced his finger tips along her arms as she slept, he drew circles and hearts and swirls and letters. Anything his mind drifted too. There were prominent worry lines still embedded on her forehead and her eyes were screwed shut tightly.

His back began to ache and he carefully raised her off of his chest and put her gently on the bed beside him and the pair both rolled into their sides. River snuggled into his chest and Bill placed his arm over her waist holding her, his hand resting on her lower back just above her derrière. He kissed her head gently and closed his eyes to sleep.

In the morning, Bill woke up and found River not beside him. He began to panic but she came back through the hotel room door, hair in a towel like a turban, a towel around her body tightly and a bag of sanitary items in her hand. Ah yes, the bathroom was a communal one at the end of the hall.

"Ooh, now this is a view to wake up to," he winked with a stretch, pulling back the duvet he clambered out of bed and padded over to her as she settled her bag on the desk.

River blushed a deep red and turned her head away from Bill. She definitely felt less comfortable about him seeing her body now that they were together. Especially knowing what she had done with others prior to actually being committed to him. Bill put his hand on her waist and pulled her close. The towel began to slip but she tugged it back up. With a smirk, Bill began to carefully move his hands up to the top of the towel but she pushed him away.

"Not now," she muttered leaving him dumbfounded.

"Right, uh, sorry."

She grabbed some clothes, and hurried back to the bathroom to change leaving Bill to change, he had showered just before coming to the hotel that night. When River returned she was towel drying her hair.

Bill took his wand and pointed it at her which made her eyes widen in fear and her heart to pound ten-to-the-dozen! "Bill-"

With a whisp of golden light, her hair dried and he tucked his wand away into his pocket. "Ah, bugger! I should have warned you before pointing my wand at you. Sorry, Riv."

She shook her head to show him it was okay and wrapped her arms around his waist. She leaned against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. "I'm going to Scotland for a bit. Then after that I don't know." She told him.


"Next week."

Bill was undoubtedly relieved when she mentioned Scotland because that wasn't that far from here and he could easily get there, even by floo network to the Three Broomsticks or Hogshead pubs. He ran his fingers through her freshly dried hair and cupped her right cheek, "then I best make the most out of this week, eh? My parents think I'm staying with a work friend. I want to spend all of my free time with you, make sure you're alright. I hate seeing you upset."

River smiled gratefully and pecked Bill's lips. "You're a good man, Bill, really good."

"I try," he boasted, with a flick of his hair, a snicker falling from his lips. "No, but in all seriousness, you've turned my weird upside down and frankly, I want it to stay that way so even if I have to follow you halfway around the world I will. You will find yourself and your happy place and I hope that I will be able to be part of that."

"Bill, I'm not sure if finding myself is my goal in life anymore. But whatever it turns out to be, I want you in it. Besides, you followed me from Paris to Greece, if I can get a man who does that, I'm not going to let him go that easily, am I?" River laughed and kissed him again, "do you have work today?"

"No, how comes?"

"Want to go to a museum with me?"

"A museum?"

"Yeah, you know, a building full of artefacts? We could go to the Natural History museum, the Imperial War Museum, the Science Museum, the Brunel Museum, whatever you fancy." She listed as many museums in London that she could remember as she tied her hair up into a ponytail, pulling some strands out at the front to frame her face.

"Why a museum?"

She shrugged, "I dunno, why not?"

"Fair enough, what about the War one? I don't know much about muggle wars so I'm sure that would be very interesting, I could tell you the similarities and differences to some wizarding wars if you want?... or we could pretend magic isn't real for the day?"

"I would love to know about it all, Bill."

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