26 | T HE G I R L S

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"Flowers in a desert need a drop of rain like a woman needs her man"

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"Flowers in a desert need a drop of rain like a woman needs her man"

* * *

Bill was here. Bill was freaking here! Her heartbeat increased and her hands grew clammy. She wanted to run to avoid the awkwardness but she didn't want to be suspicious. Instead, she stayed as she was and listened as Bill told his mother all about a recent job her had done in Egypt. She couldn't thank the bushy-haired girl enough when she requested for River to join her and the other girls (shamelessly River couldn't remember neither of their names) in the drawing room.

She excused herself from the dining room and followed her into the room. The red headed girl and the woman with pink hair who she remembered seeing Bill with in Egypt, were sat with a bunch of cards in front of them. "Ah, River," smiled the pink- haired girl. "We're playing the card game, Hermione brought with her, it's a muggle game."

"Muggle? Oh, non-magical people, right?"

"Yes," Hermione said, "I'm sure you've probably heard of this, it's basically truth or dare. We're bored and want some time away from the boys and it's a good way to get to know each other more, I haven't known Tonks long either."

"I have," said the redhead, "she's my brother's best friend and they used to date?"

"We didn't date for long, Ginny, Charlie couldn't handle me that long." Tonks chuckled. Was it shameful that she felt relieved that it wasn't Bill?Imagine being in the same house as your current - whatever they were- ex. It wouldn't be pretty.

The three girls laughed but River sat unsure whether she should or not. Thankfully, nobody questioned it. "Would you like to go first, River? Just choose a card from the truth or the dare pile." Smiled Hermione.

River nodded her head and picked truth. "What would your ideal date be? Uh... I don't really care for dates, I think any company with someone, whether they're more than friends with you or just friends doesn't need a label. I think it puts too much pressure on someone."

"See! That's what I say!" Tonks looked at Ginny, "but your boob of a brother wouldn't have any of it!"

"Charlie is dense. So are all of my brothers if you think about it. Even Bill. He can be so dense it's ridiculous. My go!" Ginny plucked a dare card, "shout bogies loudly. BOGIES! 'Mione, choose a card."

"I go truth, who was my first crush? Well, there is this muggle actor who is so dreamy especially back in the 60s, his name is Marlon Brando, his rendition of Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire was sublime!" Hermione gushed, "River have you watched it?"

"Yeah, I studied the play at alevels."

"Alevels?" Questioned Ginny.

"It's like our N.E.W.Ts."

"Oh. That's a boring name."

Tonks chose dare and had to sing her best rendition of a song she remembered vividly from her childhood and then it was back to River who, once again, chose truth. "Are you in a relationship?"

"Erm, it's complicated."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Nah, it's fine, but thanks."

"Well, if you do, you know where I am." Smiled Tonks.

The game went on for another hour until Ginny was called away by her mother, Hermione went to talk with Harry and Ron and then Tonks had to go to work. River was left to her own devices in the drawing-room but not for long. As she stared at the tapestry which looked to a family tree (although it had random dark splotches over certain parts) the room was entered by someone else.

"Well, you didn't tell me you had a magical family?"  River was brought out of her trance to see Bill leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and a big smirk on his lips. "Let alone that your twin happened to be Eros of all people! He was my best friend at school."

River shrugged, "didn't know until a few days ago."

"They kept it from you... wait you're a squib?"

"Guess so."

Bill wandered over to her and sat down beside her, "squib or not, it doesn't change you. It just means you've gained some extra history." He could see she didn't like the fact she was different from her family. He could see that there was probably a hefty level of anger building up within her. "I'm here if you want to vent, River, or if you want to punch anyone."

"I don't think I could ever bring myself to punch you." She told him, her head lifting so that she was no longer looking down into her lap. Her eyes were glazing over with tears but she was determined to not let the fall. Her eyes flickered to Bill's lips and back to his eyes. Jesus, she wanted to kiss him so bad, he made her forget all of her troubles before, she just wanted that to happen again but she wasn't sure it would, not when she's his best friend's sister and their family are all around the house.

Bill peered at the closed door. He could not hear anyone near the drawing-room so he took the chance that he had been waiting to do so since he laid his eyes upon her in the dining room. Cupping her cheek he brought her lips to his and poured his heart into the kiss. River clutched the front of his shirt, balling it in the palm of her hand as if he was going to disappear and this was all a dream. Bill's second hand rested on her hip as he steered her body closer to his, pressing their chests together. River was brought onto her knees on the sofa and was leaning down in order to kiss him. It felt strange being the taller one in this current situation but she wasn't taking much notice as it was a nice change.

"Riv," mumbled Bill against her lips, "It's not been long, but I missed you."

River didn't say anything, she held Bill tighter and kissed him more. All of her troubles seemed to flow out of her body and was replaced with warmth and love. Bill tried to pull away but she kept hold of him. "Darling... air..." he managed to squeeze out between kisses and she instantly pulled away, coiling back in shame. "Woah, woah, it's not a bad thing. Hey, look at me, I love kissing you just air is important, okay?"


Bill chuckled and edged closer to her. He took hold of the end of her ponytail and twiddled it between his fingers. "Don't apologise. Have you missed me?"

River nodded with a deep blush, "a bit."

"A bit?"

"Okay, a lot."

"Probably not as much as I have missed you."

"Hmm. Is that so?"


"Prove it."

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