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"I could hardly believe my eyesWhen I saw this guy closing your front door"

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"I could hardly believe my eyes
When I saw this guy closing your front door"

* * *

It took a few days before River felt as right as rain. Bill was working, her parents and Eros were working, in fact, nearly all those who worked were doing so. Charlie and River were in the dining room together, it was a little awkward considering their interaction in Romania but she kept to herself whilst Charlie was doing some paperwork.

River was writing in her journal. Something she didn't do too often but a few times when she thought about it. She wasn't a fantastic journal documenter, actually, she didn't write much at all. Talking about herself was certainly not her strong suit and writing down what she thought, felt and experience seemed silly. Like some sort of dodgy therapy session that was a waste of time and money.

Bill is fantastic. He's really good... in more ways than one

She instantly grew hot and embarrassed by what she had found herself writing and slammed the journal shut. Burying her head in the palm of her eyes she mentally sighed and felt as if she was being judged yet nobody was there to judge her. Charlie was too preoccupied to notice.

The pair sat in silence, River's back pressed against her chair as she let out a deep exhale. Life in Grimmauld Place really was exceptionally boring when you have no idea nor relevance in what was happening with the others around you.

Charlie continued to write, occasionally tapping the top of his quill to his lips as he pondered but he quickly broke the silence. "Why him?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Placing down his quill, Charlie spun on his seat to look at the woman a few seats down from him and kicked back. "Why him?"

"Don't just repeat yourself."

"Okay, let me put this into simpler terms. Why out of all of the men on this earth did you choose my brother? I love him dearly, but c'mon, sweetheart, I'm the best looking Weasley you could ever get." He shrugged his shoulders, smirking as look of shock followed by distaste rose on River's face. "You can't deny it!"

"Well, I think it's obvious when I am with Bill and not you. That's a pretty big representation of denial." River turned her nose up at his cockiness. "Besides, I'm not with Bill for his looks. He's a beautiful man but there's more to him than looks."

Charlie guffawed largely, so large that he threw his head back and clapped his hands together loudly as he laughed. River was far from amused. "You've passed the test."

"Passed the what now?"

"You've passed the test. Come on, I know for a fact you were with someone in Romania and it's pretty obvious it was rather close to when you and Bill got together. I have to be sure that Bill isn't making a mistake or that you are loyal."

"You're an arse, you know that? I don't know what you are insinuating but you do not know me! What I did before I was with Bill has nothing to do with my relationship now-"

"I'm teasing, River, calm down."

"Calm down! Calm down? Are you off your nut? Whatever it is you have to say, just spit it out. Enough with the stupid 'test'!" Her voice began to raise as she pushed her chair back with an almighty scrape across the cold, stone floor. She slammed her hands on the table, the wood shaking and edging forward.

"Woah! Honestly, woman, chill out. Take a joke!"

River bit her tongue and backed out of the dining room. She needed to calm her dramatics. An overreaction once again. How could she be so stupid to let him get to her?

As much as she probably would be told off for doing so, she straight away exited the house and walked away from it. The house wasn't a good place to be, especially when she was already vexed from the previous day and now Charlie's shenanigans.

She walked for a little while until she came across the bus stop Bill and she apparated from to his childhood home that she couldn't remember what he called. Sitting on the small plastic bench, she leaned on her knees.

Charlie was probably joking. He seemed like the type to tease and tease and tease, riling someone up, but it just hit close to home. It resonated with thoughts she bares about herself and how she went about her travels. It hurt because it made her feel disgusted by her own actions and body.

"You are single, so do what you like!" Alexis' voice rang in her ears in an attempt to hinder her damaging thoughts.

Enough fresh air, clearer thoughts and a sulk later, River returned to the house. A much busier house than she had left as she wandered into the dining room where nearly everyone was gathered, with a few new people joining them. New to being at the house, but one, rather familiar.

"Well, hello again," they smiled, nodding their head at River. "I didn't know you were a witch."

Her chest thumped and her mouth parted. She never thought she would see him again. The man, dark haired, tanned, with blue eyes. "Uh-"

"Oh, don't worry, precautions I know, we can't tell everyone about our magic, can we, eh? Glad to see you're all better now, better than you was when you left."

In the far corner of the room, Charlie stood with his arms folded and his eyebrows furrowed, staring down the man who stood before River. It was him. The guy she was with in Romania.


Remus chuckled and patted Kit on the shoulder, "mate, she's not unfortunately. I would introduce you two but it seems, Miss Dawson failed to mention she knew my dearest cousin." He rose his eyebrows at River who stumbled back ever-so-slightly.


This can't be happening.

Kit is Remus' cousin?


"I'm teasing, River, I doubted you'd know he was my cousin. But it does tickle my curiosity over how you two do know each other?"

From the doorway another voice chimed in-Bill. "Yeah, you and me both."

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