10 years of One Direction

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23/07/2010 to 23/07/2020

Dear Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn,

Sorry I'm writing so late (24 hours after everything) I'm writing this a day late because I just couldn't bring myself to yesterday. I was so bummed out and upset and I had this pit in my stomach because as usual, I got my hopes up, but I did have so much fun on Twitter just talking to our fandom and I made some really cool friends through it, all thanks to one direction. I cannot believe it has been 10 years since Simon made the best decision ever because we wouldn't have gotten to know these boys if it weren't for them. I am so fucking proud of what they have achieved and I cannot believe I grew up with these guys. Their music as a band and individually lifts me up and gives me motivation to get out of bed on tough days, listening to them makes me so happy and my heart swells thinking about their talent and handwork. They deserve the whole fucking world and more, I hope they are always happy.

Louis I hope you're doing okay especially in the last couple of years, you've been through so much. Just know no matter what, we the fans, will stand with you through thick and thin. Freddie, Bear, Zayn's baby and the future children of the One Direction boys will grow up to be the most lovable, amazing and talented human beings thanks to these boys. And nobody can hurt them because they have got us to protect them right? Thank you for sharing your music with the world because we really appreciate it.

But all things aside, I had a great time yesterday listening to the radio, BBC and Capital, was a bit bummed that Niall's interview was pre-recorded but oh well. Your messages and responses to each other on twitter and instagram brought tears to my eyes and I don't think I've ever cried this much for anything before. No matter what happens in the future, this fandom will stay strong and nothing can change that. I hope you guys are doing okay, stay safe and healthy during this pandemic. I love you.

All the love,

Your biggest fan

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