Chapter 47

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Harry's POV

"KEEP IT PG PLEASE" Louis yells and does a common ball in the pool interrupting Erin and I's kiss. I play fully roll my eyes. Erin is blushing like crazy.

"You're cute when you blush" I say and she just shakes her and pecks my lips and then swims away to the edge of the pool.

The rest of the time we just splashed around and had chicken fights and stuff like that. I was just looking around when I saw a hot tub near the shower rooms.

"Guys anyone wanna join me in the hot tub?" And everyone cheered. We turned the tub on and got in.

"Let's play truth or dare" Louis suggested. Everyone cheered and we all sat in a circle. 

"Okay then I will go first" Zayn said and turned to Beth with a smirk.

"Beth hi Truth or Dare?" he smirked.

"Dare" she said breavly.

"Zayn I might have to kill you if it's really bad" Niall warned

"ohh okay...." after thinking for a few seconds a grin found its way to his face "here comes my death wish" he mumbled quietly so Niall can't here but everyone else heard him and we chuckled. As for Beth she was very scared and basically pleading Zayn for it to be normal.  

"Beth I dare you to go sit in the pool for 2 minutes" Beth was shocked.

"Zayn we turned the heat off the water is freezing cold you're joking right?"


"Niall..." she whined and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "there are worse he could make you do just do it" he said, Beth flipped him off and put her feet in the water and squeled by the coldness. Evntually she got in and her teeth was chattering. Soon after a couple rounds of random dares it was Erin's turn. Eleanor was asking. what's worse Erin picked Truth and Louis and Eleanor share a brain so the questions get very weird and let's just say awkward and personal. 

"OKay Erin......when was the last time.....Harry got head?" Erin and I's jaws dropped and everyone burst out luaghing. She was lava red. 

"El really?" she squeaked. 

"She isn't answering that El" I said but she shook her head. Gah these guys can be pretty stubborn.

"Im not answering that" she shook her head and everyone stared at her and I. This is so awkward. Minutes after awkward silence she spoke up. Fuck.

"Fine if I tell you will you lay it off?" she grumbled and everyone nodded their heads like crazy.

"This morning" she mumbled and burried her face in my chest. 

"What? I couldn't hear you Erin speak up?" Liam smirked. I shoot him daggers. If only looks could kill. 

"This morning!!" she exclaimed and both of us were blushing and everyone were laughing like crazy. Can this get anymore embarrassing and awkward? UGhh. Then I got an idea. I whispered to Erin's ear and she smirked and nodded her head. 

"What are you two smirking about?" Louis asked in a worried tone. He knew me too well and I just snickered. His eyes widened and he pulled Eleanor closer to him. She looked at him wierd but shrugged it off. 

"Okay my turn, El truth or dare?" We all know stare at her as she thinks hard.


"Is Louis good in bed? how well can he work the fingers?" She asked and everyone burst out laughing and Im clutching my stomach trying to breathe. This was hilarious. Louis and Eleanor were flustered and looked like they want to crawl under a rock and die in a hole. HAH that was how I felt. She shook her head refusing to answer but we all gave them the silent treatment. If thy tried to get up, we just block the way. Eleanor gives up eventually.

"He's really good" she said and Louis just looks pale. We all burst out laughing Erin wants to taunt them more. 

"I asked you two qustions Eleanor Jane Calder. You only answered one" Erin said with a smirk and winked. Eleanor and Louis gave her the look. Like I said before, If looks could kill. 

"hecanworkreallywell" she mumbled so low we couldn't hear. 

"Say it again we didn't hear you?" I taunted, Louis flipped me off ahhaha I don't care.

"He can work really well" Eleanor said a bit louder. This is very hilarious. 

"Erin Ashley Foster I am going to Kill you" El said and Louis was gladly showing us all the finger.

"You know what they say Eleanor, payback's a bitch" Erin replied and we all burst out laughing again. 

Life is great. Teasing and having fun with our friends and talking crap about the dirtiest things ever. This is us. Regular teenage boys. For a second I totally forgot that I was even a celebrity pop star with millions of fans and followers. I felt like a regular guy. But I still love my job because if not for my audition I wouldn't have met these people who are so amazing and we have such good memories and have so much fun together. ahh Life is truly great.


heyy guys, thanks for reading this chapter. I just wanted to do something funny and I thought this chapter was a bit like that. 

I have a few announcments -

1. THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END. yea ik super sad but there will be some drama in the end. not sure how it will play out but yea.

2. butttt IM PLANNING TO DO A SEQUEL. YES I KNOW im super excited and I already know the title. im just not sure how to start yet. the first book will maybe end in the next 3 chapters iM not sure 

3. I already have the TITLE named for the SEQUEL but im not even sure if its final but for now the title of the squel is "I fell hard"

4. WE HIT 600+ READS OMGG IM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL MY READERS AND IM HOPING YOU'RE ENJOYING THE CHAPTERS. Im so glad you all chose to stick with me till now and by the end of october im aiming for 1000+ reads so it will mean ALLOTT to me if you stick by and support me and sharing my stories to your friends and other readers. tysmm ily all xxx

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