Chapter 42

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Erin's POV

I'm woken up by pounding noises on my front door. Why do I always have to wake up like this. Harry beside me groans because the noise is loud. It's like really large pounding. Ughhh. I get up and quickly put on my bra and Harry's shirt. I was going to put on my shorts but the pounding is seriously annoying now.

"Babe where are you going?" Harry says in his sexy morning voice.

"The front door. Be right back" I run up and open the door. I see all the boys and girls standing there. Including Anna and Luke.

"Your supposed to be ready now what are you doing!?! Did you just wake up?!? Liam exclaims. And I nod. Ready for what?

"Ready for what?" I'm confused

"Our flight leaves in 50 minutes" OH FUCK THE TOUR OH MY GOD.

"FUCK WE FORGOT OH FUCK JUST GIVE US 20 MINUTES" just then harry comes out in his boxers.

"HARRY WE OVERSLEPT GET READY WE NEED TO BE AT THE AIRPORT IN 45 MINUTES SHIT" everyone comes in and sits on the couch as harry and I quickly put on our clothes and get our bags. I luckily set my clothes the night before if i hadn't that would have been a problem. I'm just wearing skinny jeans and an adidas sweatshirt with my superstar shoes. I'm surprised within 20 minutes we were ready. I quickly lock my house and we rush to our car. Luke was driving so he kind of had to speed, luckily nobody stopped us. When we reached the airport nobody was talking because they were tired and sort off pissed off at harry and I. I don't blame them. We rushed them.

(Erin's airport outfit^^^)

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(Erin's airport outfit^^^)

I say goodbye to Anna and Luke and we all go in through the terminal. In about 15 minutes our flight will board so we were in the waiting room.

"How did you guys end up over sleeping?" Zayn asks kind of annoyed.

"I'm so so sorry guys we were uh busy" I say and they all just start laughing. Harry's grinning like a fool. I thought they were pissed off? Whatever.

"What?" I ask slightly confused.

"long night? Eh?" Louis asks and wiggles his eyebrows. My eyes widen and I just smack him in the head.

Attention to all passengers, British Airways Flight 405 to Berlin, Germany is now boarding. First class passengers may board from the Gate 2. Thank you.

We all get up and grab our things and for some reason they weren't mobbed. Which is surprising.

Soon we had already boarded and were seated in our seats. Louis and Niall and just obnoxiously making so much and it's annoying me.

"Louis and Niall please shut up" I scold them

"Or what?" They ask.

"Well for Niall I will eat all your food cuz I love food and for Louis I will either hide all your toms and your striped shirts or you lads can choose to shut up while harry and I can sleep" I say and everyone 'ooohh' or just keep teasing them about this burn.

"Why are you tired anyways? It's like only 9.40 am?" Niall questions.

"Uhhh..." I'm trying to think of a good excuse but Louis cuts me off.

"Harry and Erin are really tired because of the....exercise they got last night" Everyone just burst out laughing. I'm turning red and harry well he fell asleep so I have to be stuck being embarrassed alone.

"Shut up" I say through my teeth but everyone just continue laughing.

"Ughhh I already know this whole flight will be dreadful and stupid relentless teasing" I say and roll my eyes.

"Oh come wasn't it worth it?" Liam asks and winks and everyone is laughing again. I sink further into my seat.

"I just wanna die in a hole" I say bluntly. Eventually everyone is just doing their own thing. I however couldn't sleep because well Louis woke me up and I can't sleep. I just plug in my earphones and listen to music.

I knew you were trouble by Taylor Swift comes on and I couldn't help but take a glance at harry. Hah it's hilarious how she threw shade at him and he never did to her. Harry looks so adorable sleeping on my lap. His curls are messed up and he has a slight snore. His lips are purred and he looks so cute.


This isn't such an interesting chapter but I don't really have that many interesting things coming up for maybe the next 2-3 chapters. It's just funny stuff. But that might change, I'm just not sure yet.

Hope you guys STILL enjoyed this ahaha xx

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