Chapter 35

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Erin's POV

Anna and I were just walking back to our apartment in silence.

"Hey Erin, how are you feeling?" I guess she decided to break it.

"Im uh fine yea im fine" I say and seeing harry again made me tear up. I miss him so much. I just burst into tears.

"Hey shh its okay Erin if he really loved you which I know he DOES, he will fight for you, trust me" she coos and I nod. Thinking about how she stressed the word 'does'

"I just miss him you know? seeing him after a year" I sniffle. My birthday last month was just really depressing mainly because Harry wasn't there. I still haven't thrown away the love bracelet he gave me. I don't wear it but its in my drawer.

We soon reached our flat. I press 11 on the eleavtor. Im still crying a bit.

"Erin hey stay strong girl. The Erin i know doesn't cry like this okay? just suck it up and stop crying" she demands. sometimes this girl is the best. I nod and wipe my tears. The elavator stops at our floor and we both walk out.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Anna asks

"No I will be fine, you should go sleep or something" I say. we hug and say goodnight. I unlock my house and walk in and collapse on my couch.

Harry's POV

As soon as our door closed and Erin and Anna left they all pushed me against the sofa and crowded around me. Oh boy.

"I know she whispered something to you when you two hugged! what did she say?" Danielle punched me in the arm.

"Oww that hurt and no im not telling you" I smirk.

"Then we're just going to stand here? right boys and girls?" Perrie said and they all nod.

Fuck. They have been staring at me, Literally for like 10 minutes. Thats it.

"Fine I will tell you if you stop staring at me" I grumble and they all high five each other and sit down.

"Well she said and I quote 'I missed you too if your wondering, wanna gain my trust back? Try hard and figure something out' so im planning to win her back" when I said this they all jumped up and down and were cheering for me.

"Thanks to me, she decided to forgive you all" Louis said and winked. Eleanor walked up to kiss him. Oh boy.

"Guys snog in your room" I grumble thinking of the kisses I miss from Erin. They break apart and smile apolagetically. Since last year they try their best not to kiss infront of me. Not just El and Lou, all the boys.

"I really wished I had asked for her new number" I groan.

"Don't worry mate I already asked Anna for both their numbers so in case Erin doesn't reply we can get Anna for help" Louis cheekliy smiles and pulls out his phone and texts something. I get a beep and realize he had put in Anna's and Erin's number into our group chat and I quickly save her number.

To: Erin <3

me: hey Erin its harry, anna gave us your number

me: good night beautiful and sweet dreams :)

Erin <3: hey harry and thanks gnite to you too <3

I just smile at the fact that she put a heart next to her message. Suddenly my phone is yanked out of my hands.

"Liam?!? really? gimme my phone back you idiot" and then he does the worst and un-expected. He reads those texts aloud. Fuck. this is embarrasing.

"'Good night beautiful and sweet dreams smiley face'" he reads and everyone burst out laughing "Oh she replied saying 'hey harry thanks good night to you too' and ooh guys she put a heart" he says and fist punches Niall.

"Harry is in love again" Eleanor whispers.

"Not again, I have always loved her" I whisper back and yank the phone out of their arms.

"Now you lot can bicker or whatever and Im going to bed" I say and walk in to my room and close the door behind me. I strip out of my jeans and t-shirt and sleep in my boxers. I chuckle at the heart and Sleep finds me immediately.

Erin's POV

I smile and then my eyes widen at the fact that I sent it in with a heart. Shit. I realize there is nothing I can do about it now. I strip out of my jeans and shirt and put on one of Harry's old shirts. Yes I still have a few of them. I put them on during the days I miss him or when I have a bad day. I just miss him so much. But I need to see what he does to gain my trust back.


Yay new update haha and the story is now getting happier haha hope you liked it xx

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