Chapter 37

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Erin's POV

So we all decided to go to the London eye because for one, I have never been here. Yea I know I just never thought of it. And maybe because the guys wanted to set up Anna and Luke together. We were waiting for the thing to stop so we can hop in. Perks of going with one direction is you don't have to wait in the line. When the wheel stopped we were about to step in but the staff stopped us.

"Sorry lads but you have to go in pairs, otherwise the carriage could break" he said and everyone immediately paired up with their girlfriend and boyfriend. I quickly searched for Anna panicking and great she was with Luke. So I was stuck with Harry. I don't want to go with him but I do at the same time. UGHH. I went up to Anna.

"I'm gonna pay you back for this" I hiss and glare at her she rolls her eyes.

"You promised Louis and I that you will give him a second chance. Each spin takes half an hour so make good use of it" she hums and gets in the carriage. Harry and I were last to go in.

When we both got in we sat down and the door closed. The wheel started to move.

Harry's POV

"Soo hi?" I said awkwardly and she just chuckled a bit. She looked so gorgeous today. I mean she always looks gorgeous but. Why am I rambling in my mind?

"Umm harry?" She waved her hands in front of my face.

"Huh yea?"

"You zoned out" she states

"I'm so sorry I was just thinking" she nods her and head and looks at the view. Her face immediately lights up.

"It's soo beautiful. The view" she said amazed.

"Like you" I whispered as a matter of fact.


"I said the view looks beautiful like you"

"Y-you think I'm beautiful?" She questions in shock.

"I have always thought and said that. Even when we were dating" I say and smile

"Harry you can't just say things like that" she sighs sadly

"Why not? You did say I should try hard so I'm gonna be very straight forward with this and ask it" o said and after a short pause "will you go on a date with me?" I asked

"Harry I can't and you know I can't"

"You can't or won't?" I mumble

"You b-broke my heart harry, I trusted you. It may be so cliche but it's true"

"And I regret that day every single day and I'm so so so sorry Erin. I love you. So fucking much and and I can't anymore. Knowing you are in the same city just within a 5 mile radius. Just living 10 minutes away from me kills me. It kills me because I can't cuddle you or kiss you or hell even hug you without thinking about the times we dated. I love you and please please give me this one chance and you won't regret it. I promise" by the end of my speech she was shocked and speechless with tears in her eyes. I just looked down at my feet knowing I messed up. About a minute later she spoke up.

"Fine" she said and my head snapped up.

"Fine I will go on that date with you" she states and my smile couldn't get bigger and as my reflex or Instinct I threw my arms around her and hugged her tight.

"But if you don't mind...uh for me please wear a dress. I bought it for you this morning and I would like you to wear it to the date. Please?" I asked her when I pull away. I was a bit doubtful knowing she hates dresses, but last year when we were dating I took her out on one fancy date and fell in love with how she looked in a dress.

"Yes harry for you I will wear a dress" she smiled and I couldn't help but love her even more than I already do, if that's even possible.

"I would kiss you now but we aren't on the good terms" I say and her eyes widen and she slaps my arm.

"Hey I kept my Pervy comments to myself since yesterday, I'm allowed at least one considering all that's about to change" I wink and she chuckles and her cheeks heat up.

"Oh please harry I definitely missed your Pervy comments" she replied sarcastically. The rest of the 15 minutes left we were just talking and pointing out the view and taking pictures. I plan to win her back. And I will make her fall in love with me even more than she already does.


yayy new update lol hope you guys liked this xx

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