Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I heard someone scream and that voice I knew exactly who it was. I jerked away from her to see Erin standing by the doorway. I turned to see Jane with a smirk on her face. That bitch.

"Baby girl it's not what you thin-" but I was cut off.

"Really Harry? Your gonna go for the most classic line ever after being caught" she scoffs "and you lost the rights to call me baby girl ever since you kissed this whore" she snaps.

"Excuse me?" Jane scoffs

"That's right YOU" she says stepping forward and pointing her finger at Jane, "you knew he was taken and yet you still kissed him, sorry to break it you but that's what a whore does" she laughs bitterly, she is beyond pissed. Just then the boys and all the girls come in with very confused looks on their faces.

"and YOU" she seethes. Her faces looks like it was the end of it. OH GOD what have I done!? "I loved you! HELL I STILL LOVE YOU AND HERE I THOUGHT YOU REALLY LOVED ME. I FUCKING LOST MY VIRGINITY TO YOU" she screams and her face softens a bit " my first time should have been with someone who I loved and loved me back and I trusted you, with my heart and you - y-you broke it! We're over" she whispered and left the room sobbing. Beth and the girls followed after. That was it. I snapped.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! IF YOU HADN'T FORCED YOURSELF ON ME THEN THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I DON'T LIKE YOU I HATE YOU GET THE FUCK OFF MY SITE BEFORE I DECIDE TO HIT A GIRL" I scream at Jane and she steps back slightly scared. Good that was, and is still my goal. I sit down and bury face in my hands.

"Leave the fucking room Jane" someone snaps and I'm surprised to see that it was Liam. He never cusses.

"Y-yea um okay" she hurriedly grabs her things and leaves.

"Mate what happened?" Louis asks sitting down beside me. I lift my head to see the guys all staring at me for an answer.


""Baby girl I love you too, now let me go get my phone from the dressing room. I forgot it there" I say and walk towards the dressing room. I felt like someone following. When I turned turned around there was no one. Hmm creepy.

I walked in to the dressing room and turned on the light. As I was looking for my phone someone tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around I saw Jane.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly. I didn't want her here. I hate her.

"Well I'm here to get you back baby" she seductively says and comes closer. Then she crashes her lips to mine. I don't even know what and how but I kissed her back for one second and then I realized that I hated her and I loved Erin. As I was about to pull back I heard someone scream.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" When I looked towards the door there stood Erin with the most pissed off look on her face.

end of flashback

"You all know what happened after" I say "I lost her. I lost the love of my life because of one stupid mistake" a tear rolled down and a sob escaped my lips.

"That bitch" Louis mutters "harry we should get going, it will get better. Give her some space to heal. You two are inseparable Fate will get you two back together" I looked up to him with glossy eyes.

"You think?"

"No, I know" he says

Erin's POV

I can't even describe the pain inside me right now. I feel like my life was crushed. I lived for him. My life without him isn't complete. I feel dead yet pained inside. Is that even possible? I hate that I still love him. I hate that I fell for his tricks. I hate that I was stupid enough to jump in bed with him. I fucking hate myself for falling too hard. Because now I'm stuck with no way of getting back up.

After I ran out of the building the girls followed after me and called for my name. But I ran and ran. I ran to the only place and that was my flat. I ran to my room and locked myself in there.

I feel pathetic I'm running away from them instead of facing the truth and letting them comfort me. But the fact is that....I truly am stupid, naive and pathetic for falling too hard for Harry Styles.


That wasn't easy to write. I'm legit crying rn. But what's a love story without drama? I decided on the double update because suddenly ideas just flew in my mind and I was already typing away ahah.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

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