Chapter 17

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Niall laid across his bed waiting for Zayn to get here. Demitri was in his room playing with his toys waiting for Zayn as well. Both boys were very excited to see him, but Niall couldn't ignore the fact that Harry thought Zayn was up to something.

Was he? He didn't want think so. Zayn wasn't that kind of guy. He never was at least not towards Niall. The doorbell sounded through out the house and he got out of the bed to answer it. He walked to the door and opened it seeing Zayn standing there holding flowers. He smiled. "They're beautiful"

Zayn smiled and walked into the house that he used to call his own. "I'm glad you like them" Zayn heard the sound of little feet running against the hardwood floor and he turned seeing Demitri running towards him. "Mitri!"

"Zayn!" Demitri couldn't help but be excited to see Zayn. It had been so long since he had seen him, and he had missed seeing him daily. Zayn quickly picked up the excited toddler off his feet and hugged him. "Miss you"

"I missed you too Mitri" Zayn smiled and looked over at Niall who was standing near the door letting the two enjoy their moment. Niall walked over to them and kissed the side of Demitri's head.

"He's been waiting for you all day so don't be surprised if he tries to talk your ear off" Zayn smiled and set Demitri down on the floor looking back at Niall.

"I don't mind, I could listen to this kid talk all day" Zayn ran his fingers through Demitri's hair and smiled down at him. Demitri smiled and ran off to get god knows what so that he could show it to Zayn, leaving the two adults alone.

"How was visit in your family?" Niall asked trying to start the conversation slow. He didn't know how the night would go and he didn't want to start off on the wrong foot.

"It was relaxing, it gave me some time to think I guess you could say"

"About what?" Niall couldn't help but ask

"You and I of course... I'm not here to force anything I just wanted to let you know that I do still think about you... A lot" Zayn ran his fingers through his hair and Niall went to respond but stopped hearing the sound of Demitri talking. He held his finger up telling Zayn to wait and went to the back seeing that Demitri was on his phone, face timing Harry. Niall walked over and sat next to Demitri.

"Why didn't you tell me that Dada was calling?" Niall smiled and Demitri hid his face in the pillows. Niall turned his attention to Harry. "And why didn't you tell me that you were going to call.."

Harry shrugged and fixed the collar of his shirt. "I need to talk to you about some things so I decided that I would call. Am I interrupting something?" Niall didn't know how to respond. Both Zayn and Harry want to talk to him and he can't just leave the other. He sighs not meaning to. "He's there isn't he" Harry puts two and two together.

Niall nods and looks down at his hands. "I wasn't expecting you to call me, we can talk now just isn't the best time" After the words left his mouth he felt like he had done something wrong. Harry only nodded and need the call not thinking about Demitri still being there.

"Dada didn't say bye bye" Demitri posted and got off the bed on his own the best he could. Once he made it to the floor he went to his room a bit upset that his Dada hadn't said bye to him like he usually did. Niall wasn't going to call Harry back but he figured that texting Harry would be enough.

You didn't say goodbye to your son and you upset him. I get being mad at me but you are not going to let that effect him. I will call you tomorrow Harry.

Niall set his phone down on the bed and walked back into the living room seeing Zayn sitting on the couch. "Sorry about that...uhm you wanted to talk" He sat down on the couch next to Zayn turning towards him.

Zayn nodded. "Well when I left we did leave things on pretty good terms, but I don't know I just miss our little family.  I understand that Harry is back in the picture and I'm happy for both he and Demitri but Niall I have to ask is this what you want? Or are you doing this because you think that this is the only way that Demitri can be happy"

Niall sat there for a bit not responding. He was happy with Harry and he had felt content with what they had managed to become again but with Zayn sitting in front of him he was starting to question it. "He was the first person I ever loved, and he's the father of my son"

"I know that, but does that mean that you're both meant to be with each other. I'm only asking you this because I want you to be happy with your decision in life." Niall sighed and ran his hands over his face out of frustation. His mind was running with so many thoughts he didn't know how to handle them all at once. Zayn rested his hand on Niall's shoulder and sighed. "Do you love me Ni?"

Niall nodded. Of course he loved Zayn but that didn't change the feelings that he had for Harry. Zayn places his finger under Niall's chin making him turn towards him and leaned into kiss him. Niall froze unsure of what to do.

That was until a feeling hit him in his stomach. A feeling that he had only felt once before in his life. He quickly stood up running into the kitchen hunching over the trash can throwing up his lunch from earlier that day. Zayn came up behind him rubbing his back and Niall groaned standing up straight. He looked at Zayn and quickly went to the bathroom locking the door.

He stood in front of the mirror looking over his features and let his head hang low. Not again...


Some of you called this other's may be a bit shocked.

Fan :)

Kik: NiallerHoran99

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