Chapter 20

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Niall sat in his bed while Harry was putting Demitri to sleep. The night had gone well so far but he knew that it wouldn't remain this easy. Niall felt like he was being negative but he couldn't help it anymore. With bringing another child into this world he had to think strategically.

The bed room door opened and Niall sat up seeing Harry walk into the room. They simply stared at each other for a while before Niall spoke. "Did you get him to sleep?"

Harry nodded taking a seat on the edge of the bed. His mind much like Niall's was clouded. Would he be able to end this thing with Alex? Was he as ready as he thought he was to have another baby. He had missed way to much in Demitri's life, hell the child was turning 3 soon. He sighed resting his head in his hands.

Niall moved on the bed sitting down next to Harry. He rested his hand on his leg and Harry looked down at it before placing his hand over his. They remained silent for a while not knowing how to start any sort of conversation. It had been a long day for the small family and neither felt like dealing with anymore drama.

"Let's go to sleep" Niall whispered to Harry while brushing his nose against his neck. Harry nodded moving back on the bed opening his arms for Niall to lay in them. Niall smiled moving into the arms that he had missed so much. They laid in bed, Harry's hands combing through Niall's hair while Niall traced the tattoos on Harry's chest through his white T-shirt.

They laid like that until they were both fast asleep.


Harry felt someone tugging at his arm and he rolled over on his side seeing Demitri standing there. He soon noticed the tears in his eyes and he sat up. "Buddy what's wrong?"

Demitri looked down a bit embarrassed. "Accident...Dada don't tell Daddy" Demitri whined quietly. He didn't want his daddy to be disappointed in him.

Harry stood up from the bed and nodded taking Demitri's hand leading him out of the room. Once they were in the hall Harry turned to his son. "Go to the bathroom and get out of those jammies while I get you some new ones okay?" The boy nodded running off towards the bathroom.

Harry stepped foot into Demitri's bed room and walked over to the dresser grabbing his Monster truck jammies. He walked out of the room going to the bathroom seeing Demitri standing there with a towel over his body. Harry smiled and walked over to the tub running some water.

"I sorry Dada" Demitri looked down and Harry leaned over kissing his forehead

"Happens to the best of us bud, don't worry. We're going to get you all cleaned up and then you can come cuddle with me and Daddy yeah?" Demitri smiled liking the idea. Once the tub was run he dropped his towel quickly getting into the bubble filled bath. Harry sat down on the floor next to him still a bit tired but kept his eyes on his son while he played with his bath toys.

Demitri stayed in the tub for about 20 minutes until Harry got him out and got him all changed into his new clean jammies. Harry stood Demitri up on the counter and the two stood there fixing their matted hair. Harry chuckled setting the boy down and held his hand as they walked back to the main bed room.

"Why don't you go cuddle with Daddy while I go and wash your things on your bed" Demitri smiled and walked into the room climbing into the bed. Harry then turned going into the room grabbing all the things from Demitri's bed and took it to the wash.

He washed his hands before going back into the bed room where both boys were sleeping peacefully. He smiled and climbed into bed pulling the blankets over all of them and let his eyes fall closed once again.


Harry woke up to the feeling of little hands on his face. Now feeling a lot more rested he woke up with ease seeing Demitri hovering over him. "Dada Daddy no feel good!"

Harry sat up rubbing his eyes a bit. "Where is he" Demitri scrambled off the bed and ran off with Harry close behind him. He let him to the bathroom where Niall was sitting close to the toilet his face looking a bit drained. Demitri looked between both his two parents hoping that one of them would know what to do.

Harry walked over to Niall moving some of the hair from his face. "Morning sickness?" All Niall could do was nod. Harry then turned to Demitri. "Bud don't worry Daddy is okay, its just the baby.."

Demitri tilted his head. "Baby not supposed to hurt daddy Dada"

Harry nodded lifting a weak and fragile Niall off the ground. "I know buddy, but Daddy is okay now. Let's get him to bed and maybe we can make him some yummy breakfast?" Demitri shrugged still a bit confused on why a baby would want to hurt his daddy. It didn't make any sense to him.

He watched as his Dada carried his Daddy into their room and waited until he knew what he was supposed to be doing. He looked up when he saw his Dada walk out of the room.

"What should we cook for Daddy?"

"Fingers! Oh Oh Oh and Sauce"

"Chicken fingers and apple sauce?" Harry chuckled reaching down lifting the boy off his feet. "That sounds like something you would want not Daddy" Demitri giggled looking down at his fingers. Maybe his Dad had a point.

They went into the kitchen and Harry set Demitri down in his chair which made the boy pout. "No Dada I don't want chair"

"Buddy you need to be in there while I'm cooking. Daddy isn't here to watch you and I need to make sure I can keep an eye on you" Harry explained. Demitri pouted crossing his arms over his chest and Harry shook his head. "Do you want to get hurt? I don't want to see my little man hurt" Harry tried to reason with him.

Demitri let his head fall a bit. "I have trains in chair?" Harry smiled going into the living room grabbing a few trains from the toy bin and went back handing them to the toddler. Demitri happily took the trains and was no longer worried about being in the terrible chair.

Harry sighed in relief and walked over to the fridge deciding to make one of Niall's favoites. Nutella Chocolate Chip Pancakes. He grabbed everything setting it on the counter, and also grabbed some chicken fingers putting them in the oven.

Harry focused on the pancakes in the skillet and then melted some of the Nutella drizzling it over the pancakes. He set the plate a side grabbing strawberries and whip cream putting them on top.

He looked at the food once it was done, and grabbed a cup of orange juice for Niall as well. He hadn't cooked like this in a long time and it felt good to be able to do it again. He told Demitri he would be back as he walked down the hall into the bed room where Niall was on his lap top. He looked up at Harry seeing the plate and orange juice in his hand and smiled.

"You cooked for me?"

"Yes I did" Harry walked over setting the plate down on the side table along with the juice. Niall couldn't help the smile on his face as he leaned over pressing his lips to Harry's cheek.

"Thank you"

"Don't thank me...It's what a boyfriend is supposed to do right?" The word caught both Harry and Niall off gaurd. Neither boys had spoken about where they stood relationship wise so this was the first they had heard of it.

"Uhm yeah I suppose so" Niall looked down playing with his fingers

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to uh...The word just kinda slipped" Harry said sighing

"Don't be sorry, I don't mind it at all. I just don't know if with this whole Alex girl in the picture, if I can actually be anything more than your..."

"Niall I am in love with you. Not Alex. I will never love another person on this earth as much as I love you or our kids. Okay I can see that this new job is getting to you and I don't want you to feel that I'm choosing this new found life over you..."

Niall smiled and leaned over kissing Harry on the nose. "You're a very sweet boyfriend ya know"


Probably the last chapter of fluff until the real fun begins. I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I made sure to have some Harry and Demitri moments in here since there haven't been a lot. So comment and tell me what you thought of them.

Fan :)

Kik: NiallerHoran99
Twitter: Narry_Ziallsbae

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