Chapter 25

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Harry laid his head on Niall's stomach placing kisses to it every so often. Only earning himself a kick in the mouth.

"Will you stop bothering the baby" Niall smiled running his fingers through his boyfriend luscious curls.

"I'm sorry I'm just excited we get to find out what our little peanut is today"

Niall who was slowly approaching 20 weeks of pregnancy was also very excited. Today they would discover the sex of their baby. Niall couldn't be happier that Harry was with him this time.
"Come on we need to head to the doctors now. Then we can pick Demitri up from Liam and Louis and celebrate" Harry lifted Niall to his feet placing a swift kiss to his forehead.

Niall placed his hand on his stomach feeling a hard kick. "Yeah let's hurry... This baby is going to be a soccer player I swear"

Harry grabbed all the things they would need and lead Niall out to the car, happy that no one was there. Lately the paps and fans had been kept to a minimum but every so often there would be a flare up.

Harry helped Niall into the car and walked to the drivers side. He started the car and drove off towards the hospital.

Niall and Harry fingers intertwined with each other's as they drove throughout the city. The two were on cloud nine. With Demitri getting better with his treatments. And finding out the sex of their baby there was nothing to keep them down.

Harry parked the car outside the hospital and quickly went inside before he was seen. They were ushered straight into a room just to be safe.

They both sat in the room a bit comforted with their silence. A knock on the door made Harry stand up and he walked over to it seeing that it was in fact their doctor.

He opened the door and Dr. Grey walked in. He smiled at both men. "Are you ready to find out the sex of your next child?"

Niall didn't bother to answer his question. He just sat back in his seat and waited. They both watched as the doctor pulled out a small gell and placed it over Niall's stomach.

They all looked at the black and white photo on the screen. The wand moved around Niall's stomach and stopped.

"Mr. Horan you are having a... Girl" That's when Harry started crying. He had a daughter on the way. He looked over at Niall who was sitting their in pure shock.

Harry grabbed Niall's hand kissing it. "Baby say something..."

"We need to think of names for her!" Niall exclaimed happily making Harry laugh.

The doctor, deciding to leave the happy couple alone wiped off Niall's stomach and excited the room. Niall sat up feeling a small kick against his stomach and he smiled.

"She's happy" He whispered

"Because you're happy" Harry kissed his temple. They walked out of the hospital together hand in hand. The only thing running through their mind was their unborn child and of course their current baby boy.

Harry got Niall into the car before getting into the car as well. Harry wondered how Demitri had been with Louis and Liam for the day. The small boy was known for acting out when he was around new people. He hoped that this time would be different.


This. Time. Was. Not. Different.

When Niall and Harry walked into the small flat the how was a mess. Toys and food dispersed around almost every room. Demitri was sleeping on the floor along with both Liam and Louis. Niall shook his head and next down over the three sleeping figures.

"Boys wake up" He whispered. His tone only managed to wake up the toddler, who's eyes lit up as soon as he saw his daddy.

"Daddy!" His arms wrapped around Niall's neck and they shared a small hug. "Uncle Lou and Uncle Li seepin?" Niall nodded and picked up his son.

"Did you have fun with him Bug?"

"Yes Daddy"

Harry shook his head and started cleaning up a bit before leaving a note for both Liam and Louis telling them that Demitri had been picked up. They went out to the car and decided that they would all celebrate with a nice dinner and possibly dessert.

"Bug guess what we found out today" Niall said turning in his seat so that he could make eye contact with his son.

"What?" Demitri asked giving his daddy his full attention.

"We found out that you're going to have a baby sister"

Demitri smiled and clapped his hands now very excited. He was a bit unsure of what type of baby he wanted. He thought that Daddy and Dada would get to choose but Dada had explained that they didn't get to choose. He wiggled around in his seat wanted to get out and give his Daddys belly a big kiss but he couldn't.

Once Harry had stopped the car and got Demitri out of his seat. As soon as Demitri's feet hit the ground he ran over to Niall kissing all over his stomach. Niall laughed running his fingers through his sons hair.

"Givin the baby kisses huh bud?" Harry asked picking Demitri up.

"Yeah girls like kisses" Demitri giggled playing with his fingers. Little did his parents know a few girls at Demitri's day care had shared a few kisses with the young boy.

"Hmm true but you know who else likes kisses?" Harry asked raising his eyebrow

"Who Dada?"

"Daddies" Harry puckered his lips which made Demitri laugh. He leaned in kissing Harry's puckered lips and leaned over giving a kiss to Niall as well.

They walked inside the restaurant and got themselves seated. Niall looked over the menu for he and Demitri while Harry searched for something that he could eat.

The over all day had gone well. The happy seemed to be getting stronger day by day. Harry's job was giving him the days off that he needed and everything was going smoothly. The one thing that Harry hasn't discussed with Niall though was his tour. The date was coming closer and closer and he still hadn't spoken to Niall about. How he managed to keep his own tour a secret was a mystery to him but he knew he would have to tell Niall sooner or later.

He didn't want to cause and uneeded stress for Niall and he didn't want to upset Demitri by leaving again. He also knew that he owed this to his fans. Most of them had been nothing but excepting towards Harry's life style and this tour was something they were looking forward to.



Harry looked up hearing both his boys call his name. "Sorry I spaced out. What were you saying?"

"I asked you what you were getting" Niall smiled which only cause the smile on Harry's face to grown.

"I'll have whatever you're having"

They both looked over at Demitri who was focusing on the picture he was drawing. For now...there was peace.


I feel like I haven't updated in so long. I've been obsessed with the 50 Shades Of Grey books. I'm on the second book as of now. I will more than likely do a Narry version of it. We shall see.

Fan :)

Kik: NiallerHoran99
Twitter: Narry_Ziallsbae

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