Chapter 19

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Niall sat in the living room of his flat waiting for Harry to get their. His mind was running free with all the possibilites of what would happen when he got there. Demitri was already in his room asleep which meant that Niall and Harry were free to talk.

The sound of the door becoming unlocked made Niall stand to his feet. The door opened and Harry walked through the door dropping a duffle bag on the floor. As soon as his eyes landed on Niall he walked over to him pulling him into his chest. "I missed you" His nose brushed against Nialls neck slightly.

"I missed you too" Niall whispered stepping out of Harry's arms. He ran his fingers through his hair watching as Harry's eyes trailed down to his stomach.

"How do you feel?" Harry was genuinely concerned about Niall. He had missed so much of his sons life he felt that this was his second chance. Even if he hadnt planned on this happening.

"I feel fine for now..." Niall sat down on the couch and Harry sat next to them. They sat there for a bit in a strange silence. Neither knew how to start the conversation that they desperately needed to have. "Who was the girl that called me" Niall took the first words.

Harry sighed not sure he wanted to start the conversation off with this. "Her name is Alex...I don't know why in the hell she would call you and tell you something like that."

"Was she lying?"

"Yes and no..."

"There is no yes and no to a question like that Harry"

"She's my girlfriend for the publicity of it all, not because I actually want to be with her. It wasn't my idea to begin with but there wasn't anything that I could do" Harry watched Niall's face hoping he would show some time of emotion but he didn't.

"I don't know how to feel about that..." Niall had made a few sacrifices for Harry to live his dream but this wasn't one he was comfortable with. Especially not with the situation that they were now in.

Harry nodded unsure of what he could say to ease Niall's worrysome mind. "Baby you know that I love you..."

"I know that Harry" Niall cut him off standing up from the couch.

"Then trust that I know what I'm doing"

Niall laughed. "Trust that you know what your doing? Harry I have trusted you enough don't you think? I've trusted you more than I probably should have but you know what we're bringing another baby into this and I don't have time for things like this"

"Your the one who told me to take the job Niall" Harry was becoming slightly irritated but tried his hardest to keep his voice low

"Because you would have resented me if I made you stay here Harry! You say that you wouldn't but you know that you would have. I just wanted you to be happy"

"But if me taking the job was going to make you unhappy you should have said something Niall! Bloody hell, all I'm trying to do is make things better so that we can move on from our past"

"Maybe I don't want to move on from my past Harry" Niall shook his head. "I get it you want to move on because you want me to forget all the shit you've put me through but it's not that easy."

Harry sat there with his face in his hands not knowing what he could say anymore. "I've screwed up more times than I can count. We both know that but I don't want you dwelling on those things especially not if we're bringing a new baby into this." Harry stood, walking over to Niall. "I will speak with some people at work about changing my schedule so that I can be here more often. I'll also try and get this Alex thing done with okay?" Harry just wanted Niall happy and he was willing  to sacrifice a lot to make sure that he was.

Niall sighed laying his head on Harry's chest. He felt a bit better but he was still...emotional. Maybe it was the thought of having another baby. He didn't know how that would work. The flat wasn't larger enough for another baby. One good thing was that Niall had kept a lot of Demitri's baby things so he could use them.

"So how did that thing with Zayn go" Harry asked making Niall look up at him

"It was fine I started puking in the middle of it though" Harry tried his hardest not to laugh but failed making Niall hit him in the shoulder. "It's not funny Harry"

"I'm sorry but our baby doesn't like the guy either. I think that says something" Harry kissed Niall's forehead making him roll his eyes. He heard the sound of little footsteps and they turned around seeing a very sleepy Demitri walking down the hall, with his bear clutched to his chest.

As soon as his eyes landed on Harry he dropped his bear and ran towards him. "Dada!" His little feet carries him across the room and soon enough he was in Harry's arms.

"Hi buddy!" Harry smiled holding his son close to his chest placing a bunch of kisses all over his faces. Soon enough the two were lost in conversation about something Niall couldn't completely understand. It was as if the two had learned to speak a new language that only they understood.

Niall couldn't help the smile on his face though. He still wanted to talk to Harry about this Alex person but he wasn't going to ruin the two boys time together. He decided to give them time alone and went into the kitchen and started making Demitri a small snack since that was more than likely what he had woken up for.

He sliced some strawberries putting them into one of Demitri's bowls and set it on the counter. Harry carried Demitri into the kitchen and Demitri reached for the strawberries. Harry grabbed them and handed them to the toddler sitting him down in his chair.

"So what's this I hear about Santa bringing us a baby for Christmas" Harry smiles at Niall leaning on the counter. Niall turned around placing a kiss to Demitri's forehead.

"We were talking about babies and he asked if Santa was going to bring us a baby"

Harry chuckled shaking his hair out. "Well...does he know?" Niall shook his head. He hadn't confirmed Demitri's thoughts of another baby use yet, he was waiting for the right time. Niall walked over and stood next to Harry. "Should we..."

Demitri wasn't paying either of the adults in the room any mind. He just munched on his strawberries happily thinking about what Thomas the tank engine was doing with all his friends on The Island of Sodor.

"Baby" Niall said making Demitri look up at him

"Ya Daddy?"

"Remember when I asked you if you wanted to be a big brother?" The little boy nodded. He did remember his dad mentiong something like that. He liked the thought of being bigger than someone. And being a big brother meant that he would have a new friend. So he liked the idea. "Well bug.. You're going to be a big brother"

Demitri's smile resembled Harry's as he started clapping his hand. "Yay I big brother Dada!"

Harry nodded smiling "I know buddy, you know your going to have to take care of and watch out for the baby right bud?"

Demitri nodded. "I know Dada, I can do it"

Niall and Harry smiled. They knew that they could do this as a family. As long as they didn't let anything get in between them.


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Fan :)

Kik: NiallerHoran99

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