Chapter 16

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The first week or so without Harry being around was absolutely dreadful. Demitri was a lot fussier than usual which was only making things harder on Niall. The only way to keep Demitri calm was to distract him with his toys and teddy bear.

But after the first week everything was starting to cool down. Yes Niall and Demitri did miss Harry dreadfully but they spoke when they could.

Harry of course felt terrible about leaving his family behind, but Niall was right. It was his dream and he was able to live it now. Before going up in front of group of people Harry would place a small kiss to the little blue truck that he kept on him at all times. It was a small reminder to not let himself get sucks into the world he was now entering.

Harry stepped onto the stage and waved at the people in the audience. Little did he know his son was watching him on the TV smiling from ear to ear, while Niall was cooking them dinner.

"Daddy! Dada on TV" Demitri stood up walking over to the TV and kissed it before sitting down once again. It was the closet to the real Harry he was going to get and he was content with that. Niall walked into the living wiping his hands with a napkin. Both Niall and Demitri sat and watched Harry answer questions about his family and music. Harry made sure to leave Niall and Demitri out of it since they agreed that they didn't want Demitri in that sort of spotlight.

Once the Interview had ended Niall scooped Demitri off his feet smothering him with kisses. "Its time for dinner then bed" He walked into the kitchen setting the boy down in his seat. Niall placed the chicken, broccoli, and ride in front of Demitri and watched as he ate.

Niall sat at the counter looking through his computer scrolling through random things he came across. He had found himself doing this often. With Harry being gone so much, this was his only way to make sure that everything was going smoothly. He stopped seeing a picture of Harry smiling with a group of girls and liked it.

He couldn't help but worry about Harry being so far away. As much as Niall loved Harry he couldn't help but wonder what could happen with Harry so far away. Niall shut his computer and felt his phone buzz. He answered it not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Niall speaking..."

"Niall Hey...Its Zayn" Niall smiled to himself. He hasn't talked to Zayn since the day they had met in the park. He was beginning to fear that their would never be a friendship between the two.

"Hi Zayn... How have you been?"

"Pretty well, just got back home from visiting the family. I see that Harry has become a bit famous since I left? How is that going" Zayn was only trying to make small talk. Harry was the last thing he wanted to speak about with Niall.

"Its rough but we're getting through it. I assume you didn't call to speak about him though"

"You're right I didn't... I wanted to see if I could possibly come over and see you and Demitri. We may not be together but we are family aren't we?"

"Of course Zayn, you're always welcome here" Niall and Zayn continued to make their arrangements until everything was set for Zayn to come over the next day.

After dinner Niall quickly got Demitri dressed in his jammies so that he could go to bed. When Demitri was sleeping that was the only time that he was alone. It was some form of place that he had been able to collected. Niall laid Demitri in his bed and went into his room hearing the sound of his computer ringing.

He sat down on the bed opening it seeing that Harry was attempting to skype him. He quickly answered and smiled as Harry's face popped up on the screen.

"Hi baby!" Harry waved sitting down on his hotel bed.

Niall waved. "Hi Harry" Niall pressed his back against the headboard placing the lap top on his lap.

"I miss you, two more weeks then I'm back home with you and Mitri." Harry smiled from ear to ear and Niall did the same. They couldn't wait to see each other and the suspense was killing them.

"I miss you as well...What have you been up to lately?"

"Recording songs mostly. I have a lot done and I can't wait for you to hear them." Niall smiled at Harry's excitement. He was glad that he had made him go. Yes it was hard but seeing Harry this happy was worth it. "How are things at home. Is Demitri in bed already"

Niall nodded biting down on the tip of his thumb slightly.

"You okay love?" Niall nodded not wanting to upset Harry. He just missed him more than he had planned on. And he also knew that he would have to help him about meeting with Zayn. Harry knew that something was wrong though. "Niall what's wrong with you? Do I need to come home"

Niall quickly shook his head. "No don't do that...I'm fine just missing you is all" Niall picked at the lose strings on this duvet.

"And?" Harry pushed

"Zayn is coming over tomorrow..." Niall didn't bother to look up at the computer screen. He didn't want to see Harry be angry with him. Not when he was so far away. Niall heard Harry sigh and he slowly looked up seeing that he was no longer sitting in front of the computer screen. He was pacing his hotel room with his hands over his face. "Harry sit down please.."

Harry sat down in front of his computer once again. He let out a breath before responding. "Why is he coming over?"

"He's been gone for a bit.. And he wants to see Demitri and I" Niall immediately knew that this conversation wasn't going to go well.

"And you didn't think that him deciding to come back once I was gone was a bit... Odd?" Niall shook his head. He had thought nothing of Zayn's timing. He just thought of it as his friend wanting to meet up with him. Harry ran his hands over his face. "If I tell you not to meet up with him you'll do it anyway... So do what you want okay"

"Harry I really..."

"It's okay. I love you and tell Demitri to call me tomorrow. I'll be free" Harry waved before ending the skype call. He shut the computer and stood up from the desk.

"Who was that guy?" Alex asks. Harry turns around laying back on the bed next to her.

"My boyfriend"

"Boyfriend? Why am I just hearing about him" Alex sits up pushing her hair to the side.

"Because I'd like to keep my personal life separate from whatever life I'm going into. I have a family..."

"And I respect that. I do not at all plan to get in the way of you and your family. I'm here to do my job and that is it. I promise" She sits up and holds her pinky out for Harry to grab. Harry smiles and wraps his pinky around hers. "You're going to have to tell him about me you know"

"Yes I know, I planned to but he brought up Zayn and I didn't want to add onto the conversation any longer"

"We'll do it soon before you screw up." Alex then rolled over and decided it was time to call it a night. Leaving Harry laying there staring at the hotel ceiling.


Happy New Year my loves!!!! Here is a new years update for you. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I also wish you the very best new year.

So Zayn is going to meet with Niall hmmm. And Harry has a secret girl around. How do you think that's gonna go.

Fan :)

Kik: NiallerHoran99

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