Chapter 26

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Niall sat with Demitri in the kitchen waiting for Harry to finish cooking. Harry still hadn't let Niall know about the tour that was coming up. He was leaving in about two weeks. He didn't want to bring it up at the wrong time. Niall was pregnant and hormonal and he didn't want him being upset. Harry looked down at the food he was cooking and sighed. How was he going to do this? How was he going to explain to Demitri that he was leaving. He knew that neither of them would understand this, even though he wished that they would.

Harry grabbed the plates from the cabinet over the sink placing them on the table. When he looked up he saw Demitri's head peaking over the side of the table. Harry smiled. "I thought you were watching Daddy for me bud?"

"I gotsta watch you to Dada. That's what Daddy told me" Harry heard the sound of Niall laughing from the other room and he shook his head. Demitri enjoyed the thought of being in charge of his parents so he hopped towards any opportunity he was given.

"Okay well if you're going to be watching me. Do you want to help me get dinner finished? That way we can get Daddy in bed and have a night to ourselves without Daddy?"

"Why no Daddy?" Demitri asked

"Because Daddy won't let us eat candy and soda" Harry chuckled lifting Demitri off the ground. As soon as Demitri heard the sound of goodies he understood why Daddy had to go to bed. He laid his head on Harry's shoulder and watched as he set all the food on his plates. Harry set Demitri down on his feet. “Go and tell Daddy that dinner is ready” Demitri nodded and ran off into the living room where Niall was laying on his back on his phone.

“Daddy food done! Up Up!” Demitri demanded making Niall shake his head and sit up.

“I’m up buddy I’m up” Niall pushed himself up to his feet and held Demitri’s hand as they both walked into the kitchen together. As they walked in Harry looked at the both of them and smiled. ­­Niall lifted Demitri trying not to let his stomach get in the way and put his son in his high chair. Which earned him a large kick in the stomach.

“Ow…” He placed his hand on his stomach rubbing it slightly. He sat down beside Demitri and looked down at his stomach. “I think I may have woken her up” Niall chuckled and Harry walked over to him. He bent down placing a soft kiss to his boyfriends swollen stomach.

“We still need to think of names for her. We can’t call her peanut forever babe” Harry sat down across from Niall with Demitri placed in between the two of them. Harry cut up some of Demitri’s nuggets while he let himself get lost in his conversation with Niall. Yes, they needed to speak about baby names but there were more important things to discuss as well. Harry sighed sitting back in his seat.

“What is it? You’ve been acting very odd lately” Niall had noticed Harry’s weird behavior but never knew how to bring it up. This seemed like the time to do it and he was a bit nervous on what the answer could be.

“We just have some things that I want to talk to you about is all” Harry answers simply which only sparks Niall’s interest.

“Talk about things like what Harry…”

“Niall I really don’t want to get into this in front of Demitri” Harry tries to steer away from the conversation with no luck. There’s no way that he’s getting out of this one that easy.

“With Demitri here I know that I won’t yell. So it is best that we discuss it right now” Niall’s hormones were starting to course through him. He felt them and oddly enough so did Harry. Harry shook his head turning his head towards Demitri who was mindlessly eating his nugget meal.

“I’m going on tour in two weeks” Harry muttered more to himself than anyone else. Niall heard him though. He stood up from the table and walked out of the kitchen making Harry sigh. Demitri looked over his shoulder watching as his Daddy walked out of the kitchen.

“Daddy no finish his food” Demitri looked at the half eaten plate on the table before turning to his dad.

Harry shook his head and sat with Demitri eating the rest of their dinner. Harry wanted to let Niall cool off before he tried to speak to him again. He didn’t want this blowing up into some large argument where they would both say things that neither of them meant.


Harry walked out of Demitri’s room once he was asleep and went into he and Niall’s bedroom seeing Niall sitting in their bed. His arms crossed over his chest as if he was just waiting for Harry to walk in so that he could yell.

“When were you going to tell me?” Niall started off with something simple. Harry sat down on the edge of the bed moving Niall’s legs into his lap.

“I didn’t know how to tell you. We were so excited about the baby and finding out the sex I didn’t want to ruin it. I don’t want to leave you but I owe it to the fans that have stuck behind me to do this tour…”

“How long will you be gone then?” That was the answer Niall was dreading to hear. What would Harry miss? Would he be here for the birth of their second child? Or would this be just another milestone in their life that he would have to miss out on.

“About 5 months…Niall I promise you I will not miss our second child’s birth. That’s as short as I could make the tour. Believe me baby I tried to make it as short as possible but they wouldn’t let me do it” Niall nodded and rolled over onto his side.

He wasn’t going to let Harry see him cry.

Not this time.


Short chapter to hold you guys over for a little bit. I am going to start writing the next chapter tomorrow. I don’t have classes so I will be free to write as much as I please. I would start writing now but I’m so tired I can barely concentrate on my keyboard. Tell me what you think is going to happen next.



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