Chapter 24

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Niall awoke in the hospital room Harry had placed him in and groaned. His head was reeling and he felt sick.

He leaned over the side of the bed dry heaving do to his empty stomach. A female nurse walked in with a small tray of all Niall's favorite foods. She set the tray down rubbing his back. "You need to eat something. Your boyfriend insisted that we have you eat."

"Is my son okay?" Niall asked ignoring the food

"As far as we can tell yes. You can go and see him once you eat something. He hasn't woken up but he's alright"

Niall nodded picking off some of the food that he was given. He knew that he needed to eat for the benefit of the baby but eating was the last thing he wanted to do. He ate what he could before getting out of the bed peeking into the empty halls.

Where was Harry? Niall had figured he had left since their fight but walked towards Demitri's room hearing the sound of Harry's voice. He decides to stay near the door and listen in.

"Bud...I need you to do my a huge favor and wake up for me...and Daddy. Daddy is beyond worried about you and so am I. I've been telling him that you're going to be okay but.. I-I need you to show him that you will be" Harry's voice cracks and Niall knows that he's crying. "You have a little sibling on the way and the baby is going to need their big brother. Buddy I know I haven't always been there for you and Daddy but that doesn't mean I can lose either of you now. So please for my sanity and eternal happiness just wake up soon.."

Niall stepped into the doorway letting his presence be known. Harry looked up at him and immediately looked back at Demitri.

Niall walked over to his son sitting on the other side of him. He lifted his hand moving some of his hair.

He felt a small shuffle and he looked down seeing Demitri trying to move away from his hand.

"Daddy no touch me hair" He whispered weakly turning over. Niall and Harry looked at each other and smiled.

Harry walked into the hall to find a doctor to tell them that Demitri had finally woken up. Niall sat there holding onto Demitri's little hand kissing it.

A doctor walked into room and Demitri woke up shaking his head. "No Daddy I better. No doctor" Harry walked into the room and Demitri looked to him for help. "Dada tell them no"

Harry walked over and sat down on the bed next to him. "Don't worry bud they need to do some tests. Your a bit ill and we don't want that" Demitri sighed knowing that neither of his parents were going to let him go anywhere. He sat there a let the doctors take some of the tests only after Niall promised to get him ice cream.

Harry sat down next to Demitri holding his hand. Kissing it every so often. Even though he was trying to keep up his hard front inside he was terrified. Harry had never expected something like this to happen. Which only made him think...What about the baby? He looked over at Niall who was focused on what the doctors were saying.

He knew that Niall wouldn't be able to handle if something happened to the baby . He knew that he wouldn't be able to handle it either. He let out a small breath as the doctors left the room and Demitri sat up.

"My heart bad?" Demitri looked at both his parents not fully understanding what the doctors had said.

Niall sniffled wiping under his eye. "Yeah bug... But you're going to be alright"

"Promise?" Demitri pouted. Niall looked down at his hands and started crying once again. He couldn't promise his son that he would be okay.

Demitri looked at his dad who he rarely ever saw cry and shook his head. "No daddy. No cry. I okay" Demitri looked up at Harry who smiled at him.

Niall nodded and stood up leaving the room. Harry say with Demitri in the bed holding him close. Demitri looked up at his other dad and smiled.

"Hi Dada"

"Hi Buddy..." Harry swiped the hair from his sons face kissing his forehead. Demitri cuddled into his side and they sat there for a while. Until Niall walked in now seeming a bit more calm than he once was. "You alright?"

Niall nodded walking over to the other side of Demitri's bed. "Sorry I left bug Daddy isn't feeling very well"

Demitri nodded. "Its otay daddy. I forgive"

Niall looked up at Harry and shook his head thinking about what he had said to him earlier. He was absolutely terrified of the thought of the thought of losing his son and he took it out on Harry. "Harry can we talk in the hall for a second?"

Harry nodded and moved off of the bed. Demitri rolled onto his side feeling the meds that the doctor had given him start to kick in. Both Harry and Niall walked into the hall shutting the door behind them.

"I'm sorry" They both blurted out at the same time.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" Niall shook his head. "What I said to you was absolutely terrible and I didn't mean any of it. I don't hate you and you didn't let us down. I was just scared that something was going to happen and you wouldn't be there to say goodbye..."

Harry shook his head wrapping his arms around Niall pulling him into his chest. "Don't be sorry...Yes what you said hurt but I know you didn't mean any of it. This is going to be hard but I do not want you stressing. That will only cause problems for the baby and we don't want that"

Niall nodded feeling one of Harry's hands rest on his growing stomach. "I hope we get out of here soon..."

"I'll work on seeing if we can get us home okay? I've already looked into getting Demitri a private doctor" Harry was becoming more and more serious about this. With his family exposed there was no time to play games. Things needed to be handled properly.

Niall nodded taking Harry's hand in his leading him back into the room where Demitri was sleeping soundly.


Niall laid on the couch feeling Demitri poking at his stomach. They had been home for about 4 days now. And Demitri's favorite form of entertainment was messing with his little brother or sister.

"Daddy baby come soon?"

"No not yet bug. We have a few months" Niall smiled sitting up a bit placing a hand on his stomach.

Demitri groaned. Why did he have to wait so long? Sure playing with Daddy's belly was fun but it would get old soon.

"Don't worry bug the new baby will be here before you know it"

Harry walked into the living room with his phone attached to his ear. "Yeah I know that... Look Louis I need you to watch Demitri while Niall and I go to the doctors....Yes I promise no paps... And a got damn cookie you twit... Yeah Yeah see you in a few days"  He hung up the phone looking over at Niall who was laughing. "Don't laugh at me"

"You told me not to stress so that you could?" Niall raised an eyebrow

"I figured I could stress enough for the both of us" Harry pushed his hand through his hair.

"No that's not how it works. If you stress then I stress."

"Daddy no stress. Bad Dada" Demitri said jumping into his parents conversation. The one thing he was certain of was that his Daddy was not allowed to be stressed.

"Sorry buddy. No more stressing" Harry chuckled walking over kissing them both on the forehead. He then leaned down placing a soft kiss to Niall's stomach. "We can't wait for you to get here peanut" 

"Peanut?" Demitri asked "Daddy havin a peanut?"

Both parents laughed and shook their heads.

"No buddy we promise you it's a baby" Harry smiled.


Demitri makes me happy. He's to freaking adorable. Tell me what you thought about this chapter.

Fan :)

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Twitter: Narry_Ziallsbae

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