Chapter 4

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        Harry sat in his room with a notebook placed on his leg. He was trying to write something but his mind was so clouded with other things that he couldn't. Had Maura been able to talk to Niall? Would he be able to see his son? Harry knew that he was wrong to now want to be with Niall and their son, and he had tried to talk himself out of it before but it never worked. He knew that he would never be able to forget about them and he also knew that he had no right to leave either of them.

         Harry threw the notebook out of frustration and stood up from his bed walking into the hall. He heard the sound of sizzling and walked into the kitchen seeing Louis standing there watching Liam cook. "You'd make quite the stalker there Lou" Harry commented making Louis roll his eyes.

        "I'm just making sure that he doesn't poison our food" Louis attempted to defend himself but everyone knew that he simply wanted to watch Liam cook. It was one of the many things that Louis enjoyed about Liam, his cooking skills. Usually Harry was the one cooking but that was until he decided it was time for someone to take over and that just so happened to be Liam.

        "So what have you been doing in your room this whole time? You've been rather quiet lately" Liam says looking over his shoulder at the two lads.

        "No one plans a murder out loud" Harry says making both the boys laugh. Both Liam and Louis knew of Niall and Demitri. They had been there since the beginning but never spoke up on the situation until they knew what Harry was thinking. "I was trying to write something though...I can't though not with all this shit on my mind"

        "Has Niall tried to contact you yet?" Louis asked

        "No, I'm not sure if I should even be expecting him to contact me at all. "

        "You never know, he may change his mind and let you see the kid. Just give him some time, you did kinda...well you know" Liam says not wanting to say that Harry walked out on the two of them. Which of course everyone knew already.

        "I would much rather prefer that I left then, than now. I left when I wasn't ready and when I couldn't support either of them. I could barely support myself at the time they were better off without me. Now though, I'm ready and I can be the man that they both need me to be" Harry explained himself making the two boys nod. "Anyway...What are you cooking?"

        "It's Turkey Tenderloin, it smells rather good." Liam turns back to the food cooking in front of him and Louis goes back to watching. Harry nods standing up leaving the kitchen grabbing his lap top bag from the chair as he did so. He went back into his room shutting the door behind him and opened the lap top logging into it.

        As the blue screen popped up he noticed a small little notification in the corner. He clicked it seeing that someone had sent him a message on facebook. He looked at the name seeing that it was Niall. Harry coulnd't contain his excitement seeing that he felt as if he had broken the first barrier between the two. Harry let his eyes can the message.

        You went to my get to me. How am I not surprised by this?

        Harry sat there for a second thinking about how to respond to Niall's message.

        I knew that you wouldn't just talk to me on your own. I needed some form of help and she was the only person I thought to go to. Niall, I'm sorry I truly am.

        Harry set his lap top down beside him knowing that he had just said sorry for about the billionth time. He was prepared to say it as many times as he needed to though, if it meant getting the life he wanted now. Not that he deserved it.

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