Part 2: Repetitive

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I didnt sleep that much that night, i was thinking way too much. Ideas buzzing around my head, various situations or things that were going to happen if and when we met the Yogscast. It was'nt long untill i fell into darkness, asleep. And woke to the fist sounds and buzzes of early morning.

It was busy, for a sunday. I was up and about making coffee's for everyone (habit) and a tea for Lia and she despises the deliceous nectar which is coffee. Its one of the ways i make sure people have a good day, Lia had to work with her mum today; unfortunetly. I wanted to play halo with her, or more teach it to her as she is very crappio at it. For example, she didnt understand the controls so she constantly ran into walls and threw grenades at me up until the point i threw the controller across the room and ran to Ranya, my German friend, crying.  Liaprefers Minecraft. It much suits her lifestyle. Not that she is a block person living in a block world. (Pun queen, i told you.) Ranya is my second best friend, she's from Germany and is obsessed with anime and Youtube also. But ya gotta love her. One of the reasons i became friends with her was that she taught me loads of german swear words, which helped me survive secondary school and stupid people, which were fun to say and watch peoples reactions.

I didnt really know what to do today, i was in sort of a floaty mood. Restless. So i just curled up in the corner of the sitting room and browsed the interwebs. Untill i reached the point of no return, being bored.

''Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....Im borredddd...'' I said dragging out my words. 

''Make me a sammich then, nutella'' Jessie said in a mock way. Jessie was the diva of the house, she spent hours on her blackberry tweeting away and listening to music. But when she is out of 'Jess mode' she is generally a fun person and is always a laugh, even if she is completely mad. It must be the blonde hair dye going to her head.

''No.'' I said rolling around on the fluffy white rug. 

''Then get Union J to follow me on twitter then.'' Honestly, she is obsessed with them, tweeting them a thousand times a day as if they woudl actually reply. It's much simpler living the yourtuber fanstyle. 

I decided to go upstairs deliberatly stomping to indicate my boredness. I then swung around the corner and waltzed into my room, leaping onto my still messy bed, sighing.  I hate days like this, i could be studying but i really cant be bothered. Y'know. So i curled up on my bed and hugged my knees to my chest. I could ask the guys over, but they usuallymake a damn mess. I could play video games, but headaches. What to do, what to do.

I sat up, a little two quickly and went dizzy for a few seconds, closing my eyes. I then noticed a plastic bag on Lia's bed, containg a box. Out of curiosity, i decided to see what it was, only to find the most wonderful thing. It was a slinky. 

''RANYA COME QUICK!!'' I shouted down stairs.

''What is it Ree? Im drawing manga for my-''

''I know, i know your instagram. But ive found something very, very awesome.

''What is it?'' she said climbing up the stairs, but then stopping when she saw the slinky in my hands. ''Oh. Really Ree? Where did you even find that?'' She said sighing. 

'That doesnt matter! Time's a wasting!'' I said kneeling down and pushing the slinky, watching excitedly with Ranay at my side. After a few steps however, the slinky did'nt move.

''What...why?'' I said in a disapointed voice.

''Aaah well.'' Ranya said and headed back downstairs again. I huffed and walked back to my room again leaving the stupid slinky on the stairs.

I was just lying on my bed when i heard a strange noise. 'WWRARAAAHHGHGHGHHHH'' 

I went to investigate and found Kirsten at the bottom of the stairs groaning in pain and anger.''What the hell?! who left that bloody slinky there?!'' She shouted at everyone as they crowded into the hallway. By everyone i mean Ranya and Jess, the only members of the hosuehold at this point in time.

Kirsten looked around but know one said anything. We dont particularily like her so we just left her to it. She looked at me then and i just quickly skipped away back to my room laughing my head off. In the distance i could hear her saying ''Stupid sluts'' and it made me laugh even more, aw man. If only Lia was here.

I especially wanted Lia to be here as i wanted to plan the Bristol trip even more, we needed to plan times, what to pack, where we are staying etc etc. I decided to make a start on the outfit ideas and got pretty much every item of clothing out of my wardrobe.

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