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"First night lets goooooo" Evie screamed in their hotel room as they had music blasting while they did their makeup. "Bloody buzzing" a slightly tipsy Kayleigh shouted. "Any ideas where we going?" Kayleigh asked her cousin while putting her foundation on even though the would sweat it off from the strong heat of the Dubai sun.

"Take a picture of me come on Kayleigh" Evie rushed them out the hotel room excitedly. Kayleigh took about a thousand pictures of Evie making sure she would have a good selection for her instagram.

benchilwell and 81 others liked this post kayleighgreenx dubai you have my heart already ❤️

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benchilwell and 81 others liked this post
kayleighgreenx dubai you have my heart already ❤️

eviegreen15 STUNNING
kayleighgreenx THANK YOU

calgreen._ hoping that's orange juice
kayleighgreenx ofc since when do i drink

millygreenxox you look so pretty 💖💖💖
kayleighgreenx thank you my love xxx

benchilwell your in Dubai???
kayleighgreenx yeah how come?
benchilwell i am too x
kayleighgreenx cool

"He's here" Kayleigh told her cousin in the lift. "Who?" Evie acted clueless even though she knew exactly what was happening. After her break up with Troy James and Evie started to talk a little more, she couldn't believe how much she liked a boy who she once saw as her brother. So their plan was to bring Ben and Kayleigh to Dubai in hopes that they would fall in love all over again just like they did two years ago in Ibiza. "Ben he's here do I look okay I swear to god" Kayleigh started stressing. 

She hadn't really thought about what would happen if she saw him again so in this lift was the first time that she was thinking about what she would say to him if she ever saw him again.

"Mate how can you forget your sunglasses and is it really necessary for me to come back to the room" Ben moaned at his best friend as they stood waiting for the lift too come down so they could collect James' sunglasses and return to their night. "Yeah would this lift bloody hurry up" he said clicking all the buttons at the same time with Ben telling him to be patient and wait for the lift.

"Calm down its a massive island I'd be shocked if you saw each-" evie said in attempt to calm her cousin down when the lift opened and she saw Ben and James standing there. "Oh I forgot my purse I'll go back up" Evie said pushing her cousin out the lift and pulling James in. "You two should talk" James screamed as he shut the lift instantly crashing his lips into Evie's. "Do you really think this will work?" Evie pulled away from James to ask him. "Of course it will I know they are meant to be together"

you two should get a drink... we are going to be a while x

i hate you

"Hey" Kayleigh said walking up to Ben. "Hi" he smiled "they've set this up evie told us to go and get a drink" she laughed slightly showing him the text. "Let's go then" he laughed slightly awkwardly.

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