Twinkle nods and chuckles. She spends some time with swara. Swara felt better after talking to Twinkle. Then Twinkle goes for her some work.

After that, Swara also got ready and goes out.

Karma industry:

Sanskar was in his cabin working on his laptop then only he heard the knock.
" Come in.," he said without looking at the door. His focus was on laptop.
" Sanskar" he heard as soon as the door opened. He looked up only to find Swara but he diverted his gaze back to the laptop.
" Why are you here?" He asked in a rude tone.
" What do you mean Sanskar? I am here to talk to you. Why are you not taking my calls since morning?" Swara said impatiently.
" Why? Is there anything left to say. Or any more accusations that you want to put on me." Sanskar said typing something on laptop.
Swara sighed.
" Sanskar, I understand. It was my mistake. I said I am sorry. You only tell me what should I do to pacify you." Swara said going to him.
" All you can do is to go from here and give me peace," Sanskar said in an uncaring tone.
"Sanskar, can't you forgive me for last time. I won't repeat it I promise." Swara said.
Sanskar didn't reply and concentrate on his work. Swara irked and shut his laptop that grew his anger.
" What the hell Swara?? Can't you see I am working." Sanskar said in angry tone and got up from his chair.
" And can't you see I am talking to you? Just look at me and hear me out For god shakes Sanskar." Swara shouted irritatingly.
"What is there to hear, that same thing... you are sorry, you won't repeat it. That's all. Great, well thank you for that... I heard it last night also. Now please go." Sanskar said.

Swara was about to say something when they heard the knock on the door. Sanskar looked away and composed himself.

" Come in." He said.
It was Laksh. He came inside and find Swara also.
" Hey, Swara" laksh greeted her.
" Hi Laksh, how are you?" Swara said with a forced smile.
" I am" Laksh was saying but sanskar interrupt.
" Is everything ready Laksh?" Sanskar asked directly ignoring everything.
Swara looked at him while sanskar maintained a stern look on his face.

"Um.. yeah everything is ready. I came here to tell you that only. Here is the file. You can leave for the meeting." Laksh said understanding the situation.

"Good, then I am leaving now," Sanskar said and was about to go passing by Swara, avoiding her but she holds his hand. He stopped and looked at her.

Laksh goes from there.
"Sanskar, it's hurting me to see your ignorance," Swara said in a sad tone.

"Oh it does, but just put yourself in my place then think what I must be feeling," Sanskar said looking at her.

Swara's hold loosen hearing him. Sanskar separates his hand from her and goes out of the cabin. Swara was still standing there for a couple of minutes. She clutched the table edge and squeezed her eyes shut to suppress her pain.

A few minutes later, she composed herself and goes out. Then only She met with Ragini.
" Hey Swara," Ragini said.
" Hi, Ragini," Swara said.
" Sanskar just left for the meeting I guess," Ragini said.
" Yeah, I know. I am coming from his cabin only. He left in front of me." Swara said with half-smile.
"He left in front of you? Why? He never does that." Ragini asked confusingly.
Swara looked away. Ragini holds her hand.
" Hey Swara, is anything wrong between you and sanskar? I was feeling it since morning only. He behaving so differently today. Does anything happen? Tell me, if I can help you." Ragini asked with concern.

Swara sadly tells her Everything.

" Oh, that's sad. But don't worry. He will be fine. Just give him some time." Ragini said.

"I don't know. He wasn't just ready to listen to anything now. He is way too angry." Swara said.

"That's Sanskar. It's not like you don't know him Swara. But, His anger will be vanished soon for sure." Ragini said.

" Hmm.. maybe you are right. Anyway, I am leaving. I have some works." Swara said.

"Ok, take care," Ragini said.
" You too take care, Ragini," Swara said and goes from there.

Ragini sees her retreating figure and then a smirking smile appeared on her lips thinking something.

" You look so happy? What happened,?" Ragini heard Laksh.

"What?" Ragini tried to ask in a normal tone.
" Yeah, I saw you smiling so tell me what are you hiding behind this mysterious smile of your's?" Laksh asked raising his eyebrow.

" what's so hurry Laksh? Will definitely tell that but... Only when the time will come." Ragini said looking at him.

"Okaaayyy... That was intense. Anyway, What about the work I told you to handle Ms. Marketing head?"

" You gave me to handle then obviously I will work it out. You Don't need to worry." Ragini said with smile and winked at him.
Laksh put his hand on his chest and act like fainting. Ragini chuckled and hit his arm. Then goes from there. Laksh also goes to his cabin.

To be continued...

Illusion: Loved Someone Who Never Exist✓Where stories live. Discover now