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"How could you not tell us ?!" he got completely mad. I thought he was going to kill me. "How the fuck could you?!" he pressed me to the ground and began to tug aggressively.

"I don't know who he is!" I replied trying to defend myself.  "How can I know what to believe!"

          He slammed me again and blood was shed from my mouth.

"What's his name?!"

"Alden Zukovsky!" I shouted spitting out some blood.

          Kurt released the hug. He was ready to strangle me.

"He doesn't exist," he said, surprised. "He's her imaginary friend..."

"Imaginery what...?"

          We were both silent for a moment before he continued crushing my larynx.

"Where is he?" he asked with clenched teeth. He squeezed my neck very tight then, I couldn't speak. When he realized he was about to kill me, he let go of the hug.

          I couldn't say anything for a long time. He got off me and sat down shocked next to me. Not once did he apologize to me. He was actually right...

"I don't know," I replied, rubbing my sore neck. "He didn't say anything but lied about the past"

"What did he say."

"That he finally found her... that she had a difficult past... that she was addicted..."

"What did he say about himself?"

"Well, he was talking about her. He was asking a bit about Ronnie..."

"He was in her room... He slept with her... and I had no idea... neither her..."

"Don't blame yourself," I said, wiping the blood from my mouth.

        He said nothing, he was furious. I saw his hands tremble with nervousness.

MURDERER'S CONFESSION I [✅]Where stories live. Discover now