What is love

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"He looked at me with a horror that I didn't even see in any of my victims. It didn't hit him the first time, and then he realized he had slept with the killer. This hands touched him and killed about a hundred people. He kissed the body that was wearing clothes that were soaked in blood. He looked into the eyes, which were seen by so many dying people..." she looked thoughtfully at Remmington. "Fof him it must have been a dirty feeling, right?" she looked at me.

"He needs time now, but if he loves you and cares, he'll come back," I assured.

"Caring for someone is love? I completely don't understand it" she looked at me questioningly.

"Falling in love is when you want to be close to this person, spend a lot of time with, get to know, it is when you feel the warmth in that person. This heat turns into embers over time, and then a lively fire. This fire is called love. Then looking into eyes, all you want is them, because nothing else matters in the whole world. You know it's the only person. You look after them, you want the best for 'em, you go to break your own neck just forthat person"

          When I was explaining it, she looked at me with interest that I had not noticed before. So I continued:

"You would jump into the fire behind that person and not even think about it at all." Loving is when you can't live without that person too"

"I'd like to stop killing, but I can't. I really apologized to him. I know I did wrong earlier."

"Why did you act like this before? I mean "recent before" and later when you came in and tried to force him to... you know."

"Fucked up earlier because I didn't want to... I didn't know how to behave. Later I got pissed because I knew it was a total failure. Not only did I ridicule myself, he rejected me."

"So you wanted to take revenge," I said.  "That rape... was that a lie?"

"Yes," she nodded. "The second time I read about it. I don't know why I wanted to get to know him better. Maybe I'm attached" she shrugged. "He probably doesn't want to know me now."

"Give him time," I advised. "Do you have any suspicions who might have attacked you yesterday?"

"No I do not have. If you consider the option with revenge... it's hard to say... For as many people as I killed, it's like one to about three hundred. Maybe more..."

"Anyone from your distant past? Would he have a reason to attack you?"

"Probably no. I didn't hurt anyone, I just had to go as far as possible. That is not to hurt anyone" she explained.

"I just wanna say something," Kurt interrupted. "but yesterday you didn't even deign to call us and say what's going on. What if the fucker came here and beat us out?"

"I didn't take the phone. I was so pissed off that I totally forgot it"

"You couldn't come here?"

"No. Because then he could kill us all. I preferred him to get to me than to you. Who knows if it wasn't just about me."

"You'd better clean him up before he clean us up," he said reproachfully and went downstairs.

          Raven followed him with her eyes. She looked depressed.

"It wasn't an escape?" I asked. "You know what I mean. People usually leave when they want to escape their current life."

"What the fuck are you suggesting to me?" she asked sharply. "Stay away from my past! Get out of here!"

          And I moved out. I left this sick home. I couldn't live there anymore, so I moved to a motel in town. I did not leave because of the danger, but because of the enormity of all these secrets.

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