Ronnie's Confession

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Tuesday, July 25, 2018 - 10:21 AM

          I didn't even have to go to this workshop. I met Ronnie at lunch at a local pub.

"Will you tell me what is the truth?" I asked him. "She claims something completely different."

"She's lying as hugely as possible," he replied briefly. "Whatever she told you was just lying," he added reproachfully. "Like every guy, I was impressed that the chick brought such an awesome car for renovation and even declared that she would help. It wasn't in a bad condition, but it had to have the engine and gearbox renovated, and required some work on the body. Raven showed up in the workshop always after four and stayed until seven in the evening. She seemed quite nice, but by the time. Once she came kinda..." he shrugged "...battered? I don't know, maybe somebody beat her down, or... I don't know..." he shrugged again and shook his head. "Raven has stopped coming since. I wanted to know what happened, but she got rid of me quite sharply. A few days later she came and made me an offer which I mentioned. After this beating she seemed to be worse off, that she offered it to me. I don't know, maybe she was hanging someone in the cash register, or something, or spent it on something... In any case, not for the car and not for the horse, because in the stable, as she said, she has everything for free. Even veterinary care for... Osman?"

"Orman," I corrected. 

"Yeah, exactly." he nodded. He seemed different today. He was calm and talked to the point. Maybe he was put in yesterday... "Em, she arrived at the end of the workday, that is at 8pm. She said she was in a bad financial situation, withoutmuch explanation, and that we had to do it in a different way."

"Has Raven offered you to sleep with you?"

"Yes," he sighed. "I did not want that. I wanted to know what was going on and if she needed help. She said she would take the car finished or not by tomorrow. Well, I said that I would finish it for free and pay me at some other time. She left with the door slammed. I wanted to help her and she left even more pissed off."

"Why did you react so hard yesterday?"

"Because it's not over," he smiled bitterly. "Well, she came again the next day. This time she wasn't pissed off that I refused. She chose a different tactic then."

"And it means?" I asked curiously. 

"She said I could finish the car as I suggested. Later she came to pick up the finished car and asked if I would go with her to her house," he paused. "I agreed because I liked her. She was different from the local chicks. Has her own character and appearance. I have not seen her dressed otherwise than in black. Normally everybody looks at the long-haired blonde women, what they dress as scantily as whores, but she has something special, something that others do not have. Maybe her darkness attracted me to her so much. I wanted to get to know her better because she didn't say anything about herself all the time she came to the garage. She only talked about her horse. She never mentioned her family, where she came from, what she was interested in, nothing at all. I don't know, maybe she had a dirty past that she didn't talk about. Something, I feel, that besides her enchanting horses has another side. Darker side."

 "What do you mean?"

"Maybe she is dealing something? In any case, she must do something else that brings her a lot of profit and a lot of loss at the same time" he explained. "I do not know what to think about it." he thought for a moment. "I thought she would tell me something about herself, but she was silent. She listened to her dark music. Not some metal, maybe punk... something like the eighties. Raven is not afraid to drive fast on our winding roads. I don't know if she's afraid of anything..."

"What happened next? "

"I don't know who you are to her, but I'll say it because it's the only truth, man." he leaned over the table. "We drank some wine, I thought she was going to fall apart, and then nothing. She started to join me for sex, but I said no..."

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