My rules

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"We will play on my terms. Let's start with this," she said calmly. She brushed off the ashes from her cigarette and continued smoking, when she finished, she continued: "I feel neither feelings nor sex drive, so forget that anything will happen between us. You will try to get to me, or drool at the sight of me, I will castrate you, or blow your head. Understandable?"           

         I nodded and gained a new dose of questions. 

"I won't give you the whole interview at once. If you want to understand me, you should wait. And if you really care about it..."

 "I do care" I said. "If it wasn't so, I wouldn't risk my life."

 "And what will I get from it?" she asked, crushing a cigarette about the degree of the porch. I was most afraid of this question.

"I will pay you as soon as I get income from the book.""I do not want money.""Then what do you want?" When I said that, she looked at me in a way that is difficult to describe. It was a kind of suspicious look, and then she clearly was calculating something in her mind."I've got a stump with a local mechanic. I can't kill him because all the suspicion would fall on me. In exchange for my confession, you will help me get rid of him.""Get rid of him?" I asked to make sure she meant bumping him, not screwing me in her job."Well," she nodded. "You will go there with me, you will threaten him with that." She shrugged."What did you do to him?"

"He fixed my car, I paid him something," she said with a wink. "Well, but he made it clear that there would be something between us."            

          I realized that by "something" she meant that she paid him less than she really should. 

 "You've paid too little and he wants sex, right?" I asked right away. 

"Yeah." She nodded reluctantly. 

 "Have you tried to fool him?"

 "Well, you've got me young master journalist." She smiled sadly. - Fuck, I also need money for my other needs..." She looked at the car as if trying to distract herself.

"A weapon?"

"Bingo, and you won nothing," she said, rising from the porch. 

          Despite the coldness and sharpness, there was something human about her. Maybe I say so because I don't know yet who she really is under this canvas. Later we had dinner and I have to admit that he is cooking great. Appearances are very deceptive. In conversation over dinner, she mainly talked about her childhood saturated with death. She told me how is she fascinated by Bill Bass's books. She stated that books based on real investigations are "two-sided". On the one hand, they are a warning and even refuse to commit crimes and "threaten", but on the other hand they are excellent instruction manuals. It teaches them how to cheat on the criminal police and how to entertain the federal ones. It scares me a bit that he can draw conclusions that no one would ever think of. She introduced herself as Raven White. Of course it's a fake name. But she betrayed her real age, she is twenty-one. She looks perfect for her age.

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