Chapter 27

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(Darling's POV)

Darling Charming, Daring's little sister and Dexter's big sis, was in her dorm packing her bags quietly. She was thinking of the way the term had flew, and all the events that had happened. She was proud of her little bro sizing up enough to get a girlfriend. She knew they would make a great couple.

As for Daring, well, she didn't know what was going on with him. He seemed to be changing, but he couldn't change yet, the years of high school had just began and she needed players like him around.

Cerise Hood was also busy packing her stuff. She was happy this term is over and that she could go back home to her people. Her mind was also on that young lad who cheeked himself to her just before she left home, and giggled at the memory of him failing helplessly.
She liked him, and she hoped his pack was still there.

Cerise was annoyed that a few people at the school were suspicious of her, thinking she has a secret. She does of course, but it's not going to be let out any time soon.

They both finished packing up, as well as Liberty Witch too, and headed out of the school.

The people who were staying at school gave their farewells to the ones leaving.

"Goodbye, see you next term."

"Don't forget to call and hext."

"I'll miss you so much, but don't worry, we'll meet again."

"I don't ever want to come back here, but my wish never came true last year either."

(Duchess's POV)

Duchess pulled on her two suitcases and one bag, walking to the carriage stop where everyone went to ride to the Travelling Wells.
She placed her stuff at the back before laying her eyes on Apple.

Apple was, as usual, glowing happily with her white teeth shining as she smiled to whatever joke her friends told her.

The swan princess clicked up to her in her black heeled designer ankle boots. Her face was calm as she approached them, them giving her space to get to Apple.

Apple arched her brow. Why in the world would she want to talk to me?

Duchess took a deep breath. "Hey Apple. I know you're surprised to see me today of all days. Well, the thing is, I just want to say I'm sorry."

Apple was taken aback, her friends too.
"I know you won't forgive me," she continued, "but at least I know that I've apologised and acknowledged what I had done."

"Duchess," said Apple, "you didn't do anything."

"I did. I wanted to ruin your THD party and snitch on you whilst knowing you just wanted to make love blossom. It's good I didn't succeed, because now I'm happy you did have that party. I hope you have happy hols."

Apple couldn't help but smile. She embraced Duchess in a hug. "It's okay," she whispered, "I forgive you."

Duchess quickly let go, frowning. "How can you forgive me just like that? I was so bad I tricked Cedar to help me and I even brought the head with me. I was so wicked, I wouldn't even forgive myself!"

Apple giggled. "It doesn't matter what you did, what matters is if I'm generous or just spiteful. And I'm generous, so I forgive you." She patted her shoulder. "Go on, have good holidays too, you need it."

Duchess smiled and nodded. "I will." She glanced at Apple's friends. "You should too." She looked at Apple again. "Thank you for giving me another chance, you really are generous."

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