Chapter 25

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(Apple's POV)

Apple went onstage after the Piper sisters retreated. She adjusted the mic to her level and gave her best smile. "Hello again Ever After High."

The applauded for her while she giggled and waited for the noise to die down. The slow dance was over, and the couples were back to their seats.

"So," she gazed around, "did you guys have fun?"

'Yes's and 'definitely's were shot to her.

"Well, unfortunately we've come to the end of our program tonight, I hope it stays in our memory. But before we end it, let's give each other a happy True Hearts Day wish as our finishing touch."

There was a lot of hugging and kissing in the crowd, people making new friendships and relationships.

After a while, they all took their seats and Apple spoke again.

"Now, I want to thank the best crew in the world for doing their parts in organizing this event, and of course I will give awards."

Two bodyguards carried a blue blanketed table with different trophies from the backstage, and the placed it behind Apple. Then they left.

"So guys, are you ready?"

The crowd shouted yes at once, and Apple took out a booklet and began to read it.

"The first award goes to, Briar Beauty. For the best muffins love can buy." Briar came up and receive her chocolate and her golden medal. She stood in her spot proudly.

"When I finish giving out the awards, the awardeys can receive a big round of applause." She focused on her booklet.

"To C.A. Cupid, Hopper Croakington and Briar Beauty again, receives the award for the most delicious cakes and for never thinking it was a waste of money. As well as for telling Headmaster Grimm they were for the Book-to-School party."

That got the crowd to chuckle a bit as they awardeys went upstage.

"To C.A. Cupid again, receives the award for the wonderful exhortation of the Heart Tree. To Melody Piper and Musica Piper for the awesome music in the town. To Blondie Locks and Ginger Breadhouse for the food catering. To Ashlyn Ella and Hopper Croakington again, for the beautiful decor. To Holly O'Hair for the beautiful invitations. And of course to you Raven Queen, for the manifested bodyguards around us. Lastly, an award to the whole school for attending and helping us fundraise so much money, thank you for taking your time to be here with us to celebrate this wonderful day in the best way. I hope you guys loved this party, and I wish you all a very happy True Hearts Day, I heart you, from Apple White."

The crowd gave a round of applause, as well as the people onstage. After the noise died down and Apple was about to leave the stage, Briar took the mic while the others crowded behind her.

"Before we leave the hall, we still have one more award preserved for someone special, someone, let's say, perfect. This award is for the best party organizer, the best people's person, and the best princess ever whom no one could ever top off. It goes to our one and only Princess Apple Oliveira White, daughter, of Snow Chrystalya White. Please, give her a round of applause, will you people!"

The awardeys brought out a big golden trophy with a picture of Apple engraved on the centre.

Apple couldn't believe any of it, she hadn't known anything about her award. She thought she didn't even need one since her award was the party itself.

They handed her the trophy and she spoke into the mic.

"Wow, I don't understand what just happened now and I love it. Guys, everyone, thank you for this beautiful jewel and, I couldn't thank you more. Thank you so much."

They applauded once more.

"Before we leave to snore in our beds," Melody said, taking the mic, "let's finish this party with a blast!"

She and her sister took hold of the DJ spot and rocked out some beats for everyone.

The floor was full, everyone doing their own moves.

Once the party was over, carriages were lining up by the sidewalk, taking people back to school.
Some others stayed to clean up a few things they could.

"So," Ashlyn said to Apple, "that was such a party right? I mean, I didn't know it was going to be that informal."

"But it was a great teenage party, right?" Apple said, sweeping the little bits of dirt on the wooden floor.

"Yep, pretty was."

Briar came up to them. "Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" She air-clapped.

Apple arched her brows. "Why?"

"Can you believe it? Our party feeds are rising so much we're opening a new status! I'm dying to read the comments, but also, I'm awfully tired." And she fell to the floor.

"Typical Briar Beauty, always falling asleep." Ramona Badwolf said, twirling her black strands of hair in her fingers.

Blondie jumped of nowhere with her MirrorPad in Ramona's face.
"So what do you think of this year's True Hearts Day party?"

"Uh," said Ramona, recovering from the sudden shock, "it was great and awesome, I liked it." And she scurried away.

Blondie turned her tablet to her face. "And there you have it folks, two interviews with the same views of the party. Blondie Locks out!"

"We'll finish the rest tomorrow, I'm drained bad." Apple said, grabbing her sling bag and slipping on her coat. "C'mon, we'd better book a carriage now if we don't wanna get stuck here."

"You can bump a ride with Hunter and I." Ashlyn said as she got her things and head outside.

"Hey," Apple said, "I know it won't be the same again but, I'm happy we're back on the same page again."

Ashlyn shrugged. "The past is past, forgive forget." She slipped her arm under Apple's shoulder. "Let's look forward to the rest of this year and see how it goes. A rough start always has a good ending."

They left the hall towards Hunter's car.

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