Chapter 7

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(Ravens POV)

The next day, Raven was walking to her locker with Maddie for subject changes.

"And I still can't figure out what else to give to him." Maddie sighed. "I really don't want to go to Dad; he'll think I'm not able to care for my brother."

"C'mon Maddie," Raven puts her hand on the mad girl's shoulder, "don't be like that. Are you not the one who always picks out the bright side for everyone?"

"Yes, but its tough in my case. I just want to prove to Dad that I can take care of Earl Grey on my own."

"Maybe you need help? From Mr. Hatter? I'm sure there's some kind of tea he has that can heal Earl Grey. Just go to him, sometimes help is the thing that can save your life."

Maddie looked at her in alarm. "Did I risk my life by mistake?"

"What? No, no Maddie. Never mind, I'm gonna be late for SS anyway."
She opened her purple locker.

She didn't notice the white folded piece of paper that slipped out. At hearing this, Maddie bent to pick it up while Raven was still busy swapping books.

"What is this?"
She read the bottom, and in a few seconds she had a big smile on her face, her skin glowing.

Raven was done soon, and she noticed her friend's excited face.

"What up?"
Maddie wiggled the paper in her face happily.

"You're definitely not getting left out on this THD season." She grinned.

She grabbed the letter and checked its bottom.

"My secret admirer?"

"Yep!" Maddie tried to breathe slowly. "We have to read this at our dorm, now!"

"No way!" Raven shook her head. "We have class right now."
Maddie dragged her through the corridor, up the stairs.

"Are you crazy?" Raven puffed as they ran.

"Always have been." Maddie grinned a Cheshire grin Kitty allowed her to do.

Mind you: No one can do it better than the master and her dear father, the Cheshire Cat.

Soon they were in their room on Raven's bed.

Maddie peered at the letter. "What does it say?"

"I'll read it out:

Dear Raven Queen,

Uhh, I'm really at a loss for words. Um, you know THD is at the corner and, I thought maybe... hey what am I saying?
I mean to say that, um, I just thought maybe if you are free, you could you um... really really sorry for this. If I were saying this out loud, I would've been a stammering mess in a second.

"Oh," Maddie interrupted, "so he is the one stuttering, I thought you were stammering from the nervousness you're feeling right now as you read. Anyway, go on."

"I'm so sorry that I'm not ready to tell you who I really am. I'm just, scared. Scared you'd reject me, I'm not telling you just to be safe. Why did I just say that? I shouldn't say that to a girl.

Anyway, I was just wondering if you're free the day after tomorrow. Oh, um, tomorrow please hext me on CharmApp, if you don't mind. Just to say if you do or don't want to come with me.

Its actually at the movies. The d— I mean the hanging out thing. I thought you'd like to go to the movies with me.

When you hext, please search: Secret. It'll show you different ones, but pick My Delicious Secret.
Sorry about the weird account name.

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