Chapter 19

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(Ashlyn's POV)

Ashlyn stirred her grape juice with her straw, leaning her head in her hand and wondering why the heck she came to the party in the first place.

She's become a loner these past few days, and it felt like she lost her A-lister reputation for good, and she had become a RR, a Regular Royal.

She missed Hunter like hell, longed for him so much.
She stirred even more.

The party hadn't really started yet, people were still filing in. Ashlyn decided to sit on her own, staying away from everyone.

Up ahead, C.A. Cupid came over to her table.

She wore a black mini over colourless pantihoes, black boots, a polka-dotted peach-pink top and a black denim jacket to finish. Her pink hair was trimmed shoulder-length and curly, making her look so damn mature.

"You look great." Said Cupid.

"You more." Ashlyn replied.

"Hey, why don't you come and sit with us, we're not happy that you're sitting all alone." She pouted. "But I promise you, there's no pity guaranteed."

"Thanks, that's exactly what I was about to ask about. Anyway, it's okay, I'm fine sitting on my own."

"Well, you've been with yourself for the past few days, don't you think it's time to let people into the circle?"

"I don't know about that. I'm not A-list anymore."

"To us, you still are. You know what, you actually gave us some advice that day."

"Then I'm a really bad influence. You must think now that rebelling against your destiny is the right thing to do." She looked down in shame.

"No way, I mean, it's wrong in the Head's and Apple's perspective, but it also gives us a chance to choose how we want to live." Cupid took her hands in hers. "I love my destiny, and practically everybody knows I'll never give up on it. But others are not so happy with theirs, so you were the first step into deciding for themselves."

"Look, I don't want to be the cause of rebellion and separation. Please Cupid, just tell who you can to not bring me into any of that, I've had enough drama to last me a year." She sipped her juice.

"Alright, your wish is my command."

"My wish is Marian Wish's command too you know."
They both chuckled.

After they calmed down, Cupid checked the time. "You're such a funny princess, please don't crack me up again because of the time."

"Kk, we'll see." Ashlyn also checked hers. "Ten past six, the party is starting."

"And I hope you've cheered up a bit, judging from your super wide grin." Cupid said.

"I guess I have. You made me forget my sorrows. Best friend forever?" She raised her brows, eagerly waiting for her to reply if she'll take the chance to be that position in her life.

Cupid nodded and smiled. "Best friend forever after, Ashlyn."
The girls giggled as Apple took the stage in her red above-the-knee dress which was made of thick material, its waves swift and thick. She had on her high gold wedges and jewelry embellished her.

Her blonde hair was in curls and fastened in various places with pins.
She stood behind the podium.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." She glimmered in the spotlight.

Whistles and applause were fired back from the school.

She adjusted her earpiece and smiled. "I am so happy to finally have the chance to spellebrate this very special day with all of you. I just want to say thanks to you all for sacrificing your time to be here with me, and I hope you enjoy this evening. The activities will begin soon, and I also want to wish everyone a happy True Hearts Day from me, I love you all."

A chorus of 'I love you too Apple' flooded her as she left the stage.

As they applauded, Briar went on stage, carrying a big black basket with the help of two bodyguards. They both hopped off as soon as Briar was satisfied with where it sat.

The basket was full of bags with various flavoured muffins and THD cards.

"Good evening everybody. I'm sure all of you know who I am, but if you don't, I am Briar Beauty. I going to read out all the cards dedicated to their loved ones. Take note, when I finish reading the card, the person it's dedicated to please come upstage and receive the card, as well as two bags of muffins thank you."

She picked a card and swept her pink-streaked brown locks out of her view.

"The first is to. . . ." She searched for the name. "Oh wow, Apple White."

Everyone clapped.

She read the card:

"Dear Apple,

I couldn't say what I'm about to say in front of your loving and perseverant face. Reason being is I was too scared of upsetting you even more. To tell you the truth, I'm really sorry.

Sorry for everything that has happened between us, sorry for causing you unimaginable pain. Sorry for all the betrayal I gave to you, sorry for ever lying to you. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, I know I'm definitely out of your friendship list, but I just want to say that I love you so much. You were and always will be the sister I've always longed for.
I'm also grateful for my blood sister, but you will always be my number one.

And of course I miss you like I miss getting free icecream on a Saturday together when we were still royal piglets. I miss you like day would miss night, like the sun would miss the moon.
But I've realised that life moves on, time doesn't wait on anyone. I see you've given someone else the place I used to have in your life, and that's fine, I'm also willing to move on too.

I messed up bad, unfixable I know, but that's just how life is.
You win some, you lose some, as the saying goes. But even if we're not like we used to be before, I hope we can have a new start from today on. There's no problem in being friends again, watching on each other's backs.

But also, I know what I did was totally wrong, but maybe it was supposed to happen. Maybe I was meant to go against the rules. In any case, it already happened and we already felt miserable. What's done is done, like you said.

Anyway, I just want you to have a joyous and miraculous True Hearts Day this year, I want you to be happy. Maybe it was time I retired from being closest to you, and you me. I'll find someone else to take up the job too, hope they like the salary.

Once again, I'm truly sorry.
Happy True Hearts Day, Apple White.
From your long lost bestie,
Shoe Lover.

The crowd roared with applause, and Apple ran to her one and only sister. She squeezed her tightly, both crying in happiness as everyone cheered.

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