Chapter 8

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Raven: Hi. Its me, Raven Queen. The girl u asked out I'm sure?

MyDeliciousSecret: Yes, hi 2 u 2. I just wanted 2 hang out, that's all.

Raven: At the movies, I recall?

MyDeliciousSecret: Yeah. Please don't make this so weird for me!! Begging u!! :(

Raven: Chill man. Y didn't u just ask me in person? Could've been easier.

MyDeliciousSecret: Sorry about the locker letter, I promise I didn't break into ur locker 2 put it there.

Raven: How funny, coz the metal displayed a scratch not. U like my English? :)

MyDeliciousSecret: U hit Shakespeare in the face!

Raven: Ha! Good one.

MyDeliciousSecret: Hey, before I reveal my identity, please answer the big question.

Raven: I can't, unless I know who u are.

MyDeliciousSecret: U won't believe it. Dexter Charming. Please don't freak out!!
(There was silence for a few minutes)

Raven: Why would I freak out?

Dexter: Because you've been asked to hang out by Daring Charming's lame, nerdy brother.

Raven: You're not lame. Tell u what Dex, I'll hang out with you. K?

Dexter: Sure. Pick u up at seven thirty? Cool?

Raven: Cool, see ya.

Dexter: Okay.

(Dexter's POV)

Dexter was practically trembling with excitement as he placed his MirrorPhone down.

"I just asked my crush out and she accepted it." He whispered to himself.

"What was that?" Hopper raised his brows questioningly.
Dexter swept his cute dark brown hair back and sighed dreamily.

"We were just hexting each other now. It was wonderful, and I'm taking her on a date after tomorrow."

"Cool. Be romantic, okay? No, actually, be yourself." Hopper suggested.

"Where will that get me? Back to square one?" Dexter said.

"Hey, don't be fake. Especially like me." Hopper warned.

"Why was 'fake' even invented if I have to be me?" He complained.

"For greater reasons. C'mon man, I tried being fake and look where I ended up, I don't even have one single girlfriend."

"Wait, so you're saying you would love to have more than one girlfriend?"

"Who could blame me? I was just too charming and irresistible." He posed.

"Then I'm Hopper and you're Dexter, welcome to take my place in the family."

"But all I'm saying is, be yourself. Is that cool for you man?"

Dexter sighed. "Yeah, I can do it."

"Knew that!" Hopper stroked his invisible beared. "Am I the best advisor or what?"

"Madam Baba Yaga will slit your tongue off."

Hopper snickered. "She'd be helping me as a matter of fact, that way I wouldn't devour flies in front of girls and scare them away."

They both laughed hysterically, flopping onto the floor as Snowoir came in.
He looked at them with jealousy.

How could anyone be happy if I'm not happy? He thought. I have to end that now! I will control everyone!

He dropped his guiter case and laid gently onto his iced bed, which was very solid as ice and slippery as oil.

(Apple's POV)

The next day, Apple sat in her room at her window seat, hugging her knees.

Her little bird friends looked at her with concern, and they tried their best to comfort their favorite princess.
She'd even named all her animal friends.

"I made a mistake, Tweet, I shouldn't have done that." She twisted a few strands of blonde hair between her fingers. "Even if I was frustrated, I should've handled myself and calmed down, but I was a total dweeb, wasn't I?"

They all nodded truthfully.

"What do I do? I was so rude to my best friend, I probably disappointed everyone in the room, and I wrecked Briar's Book-to-School party. I'm such a bad person." Her face was covered in dark black mascara, and she sobbed, staining her floral pink sarong over her white crop top and pink short shorts.

"No you're not."
She turned round, and there stood Briar, Ashlyn, Melody, and Blondie in the doorway, smiling.

She sniffed and looked at them with bright red eyes. "What, what are you guys doing here?"

They all went toward her and crowded her.

"We understand that you were a bit upset about the THD thing," Briar said, "and you were right to be."

"But I was wrong to take it out on you guys, I shouldn't have and, I'm really, really sorry guys." Apple deer-eyed them.

"Its totally okay Apple." Melody said.

"I really owe you an apology, Ashlyn. I shouldn't have spat all my anger on you, I'm sorry."

Ashlyn looked away, anywhere else but her. "Um, I guess its all okay. Yeah, I, I'm fine."

Apple wasn't sure of that, but she knew her best friend. Ashlyn took a while to forgive people, so it won't be the same for at least a week and two days.
But Apple can wait, its a miracle she was born with patience.

"Speaking of ruining a party," Blondie took her hand, "we have a surprise for you. C'mon!"

"You do? What's it?"

"If we tell you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Melody teased.

They led her out behind the school, where so many people were dancing and partying.

"Surprise! Happy Book-to-School, Apple White!"

She cupped her cheeks in awe. "W-wow, um, thank you all so much. Same to you!"

And they all continued to dance.

Apple turned to Briar. "Did you...."

"I organised it again. You know I don't give up when I want something badly right?" Briar checked her nails.

"You are so funny." Apple smiled. "C'mon, let's hit the dance floor."

Everyone was enjoying the party like party animals. They danced and danced till it was getting late.

(Dexter's POV)

I guess I have to postpone, he thought.
He pulled out his MirrorPhone and tapped on CharmApp.


Dexter: Hey Raven, I guess the movies has to wait. Maybe tomorrow?

Raven: Okay sure. Briar moved her party to today and I was looking forward to tonight.

(That made him blush even harder)

Dexter: Well, tomorrow then. C ya!

Raven: Kk.
He went offline and continued to watch everyone dance while he sat, searching for Raven.

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