Chapter 17

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(Duchess's POV)

The two walked up the stairs to the Head's office in silence. Duchess was sure her plan was going to work, it was well thought out, and ready to take shape.

She flung the doors wide open, revealing the headmaster and a camera crew waiting for him to finish his line.

"What in the Ever After, Duchess Swan! How dare you interrupt this fairy important MirrorCast we are hosting!" He reddened furiously.

She began her dramatic scenario.
"Oh, my sincere apologies for rudely interrupting your fairy important MirrorCast, but what to do when a young maiden has come across something very unexpected that had occurred so suddenly."

"Well get a move on." The head tapped his toe impatiently.

She clasped her hands. "You see, you won't believe me but, how do I try not to upset you, um. . . ."

"Can you not see that I have something extremely important to do right now?" He frowned angrily.

"All the students have gone to have a secret THD party."

"What?! What is this nonsense?"

"Cedar and I found out about it a few minutes ago, and we are greatly displeased." She shook her head.

"Can someone please explain to me what is THD?"

"True Hearts Day sir," said Duchess. "They went to spellebrate True Hearts Day in secret, without you knowing. But fortunately for us, Cedar picked up on a THD conversation and she might know where it is. Right Cedar?"

Cedar stroked her arm. "I guess."

"You will lead us to the place this instant. Gentlemen, please excuse us for a brief of 20 minutes, we have an important misunderstanding to resolve."

The Head speedily walked out of his office, with Cedar by his side. Duchess hurried to his other side.

"I have to accompany you, Sir. I am owed numerous apologies for not being invited." Her eyes twinkled, trying to contain her excitement.

He shook his head. "Seriously Duchess, you blow it fair and square just as I was about to give you my gratitude. Let's see if you won't mess up this time."

That's not my portion today, Grimm. I'm going to expose the entire school in such a genius way, they'll forget happy endings were real.
She grinned in triumph.

They caught a carriage outside and rode away, with Cedar giving the directions.


(Duchess's POV)

They were dropped off at a tall square building, loud rock music booming heavily.

"Uh," said Cedar, "I should probably leave now, Clockwork might be looking for me." She turned and left.

"Hey!" Duchess narrowed her eyes as the Head went up the steps. "You can't miss this, we will finally prove Apple to be no-so-perfect after all. I thought you were with me on this."

Cedar fumbled for her MirrorPhone and checked the time. "Oh no, it's time for Clockwork's nightfeed. I have to leave or she'll peck my dorm down." She hurried out of sight, leaving Duchess suspicious.

"Hmm." She let go of it and followed the Head.

He forced the handle open and pushed the doors.
"I demand each and everyone of you get back to school immediately!"

The room darkened by electrical smoke, when a boy emerged into the moonlight.

"Uh, sorry Headmaster, we didn't mean to cause so much noise." The boy, now in clear view, was Sparrow Hood.

Duchess gaped.

"What are you doing here?" She jabbed her finger in the air, surveying the room.

"Duh, practicing. The Head himself gave us permission to use this barn for our band practice house, right sir?"

"Huh?!" Duchess squeeked. She took a round survey twice more, each time confirming there were no THD decorations, no THD music, and of course, no secret party.
She wanted to freak.

"What is this?" Grimm said, getting noticed back into reality. "Which THD party were you reporting about?"

"Sir, I know completely that they're here somewhere. They might be hiding somewhere around, enjoying this scene right now."
She sneaked around the room, searching for what she knew was not there.

"Get out! I know you're somewhere around, making a fool out of me. It's over, come out!" She continued searching frantically, calling out like she expected at least a dog with a red ribbon tied around it, taking the chance to show she really had proof, and that she wasn't going insane.

"Come out come out wherever you are. Apple! I know you're here. As well as Raven and Maddie and Ashlyn and Briar and Melody and Holly and—"

"Stop it now Duchess!" The Head screamed, causing her to stiffen and widen her eyes, knowing she's going crazy.

"This is madness! This a waste of time! Nobody is here, nobody is having a secret party anywhere. They're all back at school, snuggled up into their warm blankets and resting to gain more energy for the next day. Let me prove it to you."

He slipped out his big MirrorPhone and tapped on it. It showed bumps of people under their covers in their rooms.

"You have surveillance cameras planted in our dorms too?" Said Sparrow. "Weeeiiirrrd."

"This is really not the time." The Head glared. "Do you see, Duchess? Everyone is perfectly safe at school, competing with pigs in a snoring constest. No one is having any party anywhere. Don't ever waste my time like this or in any other way or I'll be forced to suspend you, and maybe expel you. This was a major situation you toyed around with yet again, did we not discuss this should never be repeated again before?"

She couldn't face him. She couldn't face anyone. Her head was dipped from view, tears splashing down unstoppably.

"This time you will serve your punishment for this entire coming week. I will assign it to you tomorrow, but for now, remind yourself to never deal with me when you have small problems, you are very far from my level. Is all of what I've uttered clear enough?"

She took a moment to answer. When she finally had some air, she said, "Yes, Sir." Her voice tight and raspy.

"Good. Now, I shall leave. Sparrow and your crew, I solemnly apologize for this unnecesary inconvenience, I promise it will never happen again."
He clicked down the stairs and left in a carriage, not bothered about how Duchess might get back too.

"Whoa," said Sparrow, once the Head was gone, "what drama. That really spiced up my mood."

Duchess sniffed, face wet with tears.

"So you actually thought that crap party was here? Cedar told you that?"
She nodded.

"Mmm, she must've lied. But then how would she?"

Finally finding her voice, she said, "I figured out their whole plan the minute I realised they were not here. Apple told Cedar the wrong place to go in case I hunted her for the party location. And when I bring the Headmaster to the place I thought to be, she flees before anyone realises what was really going on." She paused and looked him in the eye. "I know everything. She wanted me crushed, and guess what, I am. I guess she's happy now that Cedar told her everything."

Sparrow tried sympathizing her.
"Is that why you're shedding tears?"

"No," she says, "it's not at all because of that. Not at all because I failed in my plan." She sighed. "It's because I've been proven once again that I can never have a Happily Ever After, no matter what I do. I'm not destined for enjoying the future, instead I'll live my life with other swans on lakes."

He sighed and shook his head, feeling for his dear partner-in-crime.
"I have no words to express how bad I feel for you, even though what you were planning to do was only going to benefit you alone. I'm sorry."

He reached in for a hug, but she stopped him as fast. "It not fair, Sparrow. I have a whole list why, but it's all absolutely not fair."

She turned away from him and transformed, beating her wings till she was up in the clouds, out of sight.

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