Chapter 6

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(Holly's POV)

Everyone (except the staff) was excitedly discussing what to do for True Hearts Day a few days after the study party.

Holly's group was in the main hall like everyone else. Classes didn't start yet, so it was a free period.

"So guys, I'm still wondering if Briar is gonna get to the real level of parties, I mean, Book-to-School isn't that a big deal." Holly crunched on her energy bar.

"Of course not." Said Geneva. "We'll see what she's got."

"I can't wait for all the yummy snacks!" Dana air-clapped excitedly.

Justine giggled. "You sound like Blondie Locks." 
They giggled.

"Can you guys actually believe it? Legacy Year is around the corner, I can't wait!" Alize squealed.

"That's nerve-wrecking." Melody popped on headphones.

"Yeah, very." Musica agreed.

Holly exhaled. "It's just a quick pledging process, nothing scary."

"Enough about Legacy Year," Geneva clapped loudly, "I'm still wondering if Hopper Croakington will ask me on a date."

"What?!" Holly screamed.
The girls frowned.

"What what?" Geneva said.

"I mean," Holly breathed, "the crush you've been boasting about was, Hopper?"

Geneva rolled her eyes. "Uh, yeah. Pretty slimy huh?"

"Wow, you're in love with Hopper Croakington? Now that's worth being in the newspapers." Dana nodded approvingly.

"Really? You think so?" Geneva bobbed excitedly.

Melody snapped her in fingers. "She knows so."

"I guess." Geneva smiled to herself. "Eeeeeee!!"

"Shhhh!" Her friends giggled, except for Holly, who lagged behind to blink back tears.
On screen, Blondie appeared.

"What up guys?"

"The sky!" Someone shouted and the everyone cracked up.

"Very funny, Humphrey. Anyway peoples, this morning I have devastating news. Since you're all expecting a function for THD, unfortunately there won't be one this year."

Moans and groans were returned, and others argued angrily.

"Really, really sorry guys. Headmaster Grimm said that there cannot be a party or function this year because, last year we had one and that really spoiled our grades. So for us to stay focussed, we're only having one party: the Book-to-School one."

More groans and protests again.

"But don't feel bad guys, because Blondie's here and she hearts you! Her love is just right!"
Her face was replaced with the EAH flag as usual.

"Oh no," Dexter thought aloud, "how am I gonna tell her properly now? Oh changelings!"
Just behind him, Cupid caught his words and took the chance.

"Hi Dex, I'm really sorry you couldn't make your big announcement just now."

"Its okay." He stared at the floor sadly. "I was gonna confess my feelings to someone, but now it seems impossible. Maybe we're not destined to be together."

She lit up.

"Don't feel bad, I'm sure you could do something to confess." She smiled happily. "Maybe a letter? Ask her out."

"That's it! I just have to start with plan A. Your the best Cupid!" He hugged her and took off.

She tried to hold herself still while all the beautiful chills he gave her ran up and down her body.

This is a good sign. I can't believe he was so shy with me, he likes me so much! I can't believe this!

(Dexter's POV)

Dexter sat in his room at break. He was busy writing the letter to his secret crush for a date, smiling every time he completed a word.

Hopper was also there, preparing how not to get tongue-tied in front of girls.

"Haahh," Hopper sighed, "love is such a beautiful thing. Doncha think Dexter?"

"I can't really say, I have no experience." He shrugged.

"Don't worry, I hope that girl is just right for ya, she'd be a very lucky girl." Hopper exercised his voice.

"Thanks bro."

"Who is the girl anyway?"

Dexter smiled to himself. "She's a princess, that's all I can say."

"Apple White, I knew it!" He shook his head and tsked. "Man, she has many crushers around the world you know. What makes you think she'll end up picking you instead of your brother?"

"Wow," Dexter creased his brows, "that was pretty harsh."

Hopper snapped his fingers. "Gotcha. I was only kidding bro, but it looks like she's crushing on someone else, doncha think?"

"I'm not in love with Apple White. Its someone else, someone, different."

"Well, good for you. Ashlyn Ella?"

"Don't ask me again." Dexter waved him off.

"Uh, Briar?"

"Man Hopper!" He slapped the desk.

"Okay, chill bro. Take it easy. Too bad there isn't a party for THD."

"Yeah, I guess."

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