Anxiously Adventurous! (Pt.1)

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A|N Idk why this took so long.. but I have a challenge for y'all when I don't update for a while! Try and read all the chapters before I update again! That's only if you're really bored, you don't actually have to if you don't wanna! And I joke about anxiety in this chapter, I have it so I'm not trying to be offensive.

Hello, I'm Annabeth Chase and I have EXTREME anxiety. I overthink everything, which results in terrible worrying and sometimes, puke.

But there's this boy I like at school. His name is Percy Jackson... he's probably the most adventurous person I have ever met.

He plays three different sports and is prone to running off on adventures that could get him injured or, sometimes, killed. He is SO hot though... and he's actually a really nice guy!


Hey everyone... I'm Percy and I have this huge crush ok?

For the sake of my privacy, I will describe her to you, but not tell you her name. She has these thick, beautiful, long, blonde princess curls that make me weak in the knees, and pretty tan skin that compliments her stormy, grey eyes.

She doesn't try to hard with her looks, sometimes she doesn't try at all, but she's gorgeous no matter what she wears! And she's super nice, smart, and sincere! But, she has a temper and she doesn't take shit from anyone.

The only flaw she has, is her anxiety. I couldn't care less about this flaw, but it makes me sad to think that she worries about pointless things! They say I'm arrogant, stupid and dangerously adventurous, and all those things might be true, but I do have feelings!!

—-The Next Week-—

Third Person Omniscient POV-

Percy had officially decided to do the most adventurous and risky thing he had ever attempted in his entire life. He was gonna ask Annabeth Chase out on a date.

He had flowers, chocolates AND a card. If that didn't get her to go out with him, he didn't know what would!

So he got in his beat up, blue pickup truck and drove to her house. He knocked on the door and waited nervously for a moment before someone answered. It was a kid who looked around twelve.

"Who the hell are you?!" The boy asked. Percy laughed, "I'm Percy Jackson.. I came to ask Annabeth out." The boy nodded.

"I'm Matt, one of Annabeth's step brothers. Good luck." He muttered the last part, and let me in. "ANNABETH!!" Matt called up the stairs. She ran down and yelled, "What?! What did you do this time?! I can't get yelled at by Helen and dad again- Wait.. PERCY?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" She looked disheveled, and her beautiful princess curls were thrown up into a messy bun.

"Well," He started, rubbing his neck with his hand, "I-I came here to ask if you wanted to.. to go out with me?" Percy gave her the flowers, chocolates and card. Annabeth looked shocked. There was a moment of silence before Matt and Annabeth's other step brother (that Percy didn't know the name of) started laughing. Percy was confused, and Annabeth yelled, "BOBBY! MATT! GO UPSTAIRS NOW!"

"Why? So you can kiss your boyfriend?" Bobby asked. Annabeth chased them upstairs and five minutes later she walked back down to Percy and sighed, "Yeah, I'll go out with you."

Now it was Percy's turn to laugh. "Great! I was so scared you were gonna say no!"

A|N Get hyped for the next chapter!!

That's all,


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