Finally Together

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A|N Sorry this took so long 😐 This is the first sad chapter I've ever written 

Trigger Warnings: Suicide, Self-Harm


Percy was away at some boarding school Chiron made him go to. I was miserable, exhausted and depressed.

I cried all night, every night , and I missed my Seaweed Brain. Everyone at camp knew what was going on, even Chiron, but obviously, that's not reason enough for Percy to come home. 

It got to the point where I was so angry, so sleep deprived, so insanely depressed that I stopped eating and I stopped leaving my cabin. 

Then, I started to cut.

It was the only thing that took my mind off Percy for a while. 


I was attending some stupid school for demigods. I hated every minute. I wanted Annabeth, I cut a few times, but i stopped because I knew I had to stay strong for my Wise Girl. 

I was there for 10 months before Chiron allowed me back to camp. He never told me why, but when I got back, I found something that made me almost end it all right there. Chiron has called me back to camp because my Annie was dead. 

She'd committed suicide. Just like I had wanted to when I was at that boarding school. I knew the reason as soon as I saw her. I whirled around to Chiron, angrier than I had been in my entire life and yelled at the top of my voice, "HOW THE FUCKING FUCK COULD YOU HAVE LET THIS HAPPEN?!?"


"I-I-I d-didn't.." He said softly. I was still mad as fuck. I ran away, away from camp, away from my dead girlfriend, away from my problems. 

Now, I live in the woods. I built myself a little shelter and I barely eat! 

I impaled myself with Riptide as I slowly felt the world slipping away from me. I was aware of the sting, and the blood drizzling down my chest. All I knew, was that I would get to be with my Wise Girl again.

And now, I am.

A|N Super sad 😢 (I'm crying so I'm not gonna say much)

That's all, 


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