Hate... or Love? Part 2!

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A|N I'm sorry I keep making you lot wait for ages on a chapter! (I promise you I'm American) But I'm a terrible author, so sorry you've got to deal with that! 

Gwen's POV

"And then I said, 'Thanks I guess?' The End!" My father recounted the day him and my mother shared their first date... we'd heard that story a million times but my younger brother Sam insists upon my father telling it to us EVERY FREAKING DAY! It's getting quite insufferable actually.

My parents had me two and a half years before they got married. They're twenty eight years older than me, and I am 12 years old now. My exasperating little brother is 6 years old and is getting more annoying by the day.

We recently moved out of our old flat, and into a real house. It even has a pool!! I enjoy water as much, if not more, than my dad. My mom laughs when I cannon ball into the pool doing a double flip in the air, although the first time, my mother screamed so that the people in New Jersey could probably hear her, "PERCEUS JACKSON! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TEACHING OUR CHILDREN?!? I AM TRYING MY HARDEST TO RAISE THEM RIGHT AND YOU TEACH THEM A DOUBLE FUCKING FLIP FROM A CANNON BALL?!? WHEN SOMEONE GETS HURT, DON'T COME CRYING TO ME BECAUSE IT'S YOUR FAULT!!"

Sam cried for half an hour and I just laughed at my dad's terrified expression. 

A|N I'm sorry for the shit ending that I gave this. I couldn't really think of anything, so here we are! I promise the next chapter will be better!

That's all,


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