So, this is love.

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A|N I'm excited for this, and I'm sorry it took so long, but this is a really lengthy chapter so I don't feel bad.


So, this is love.

I'll back up a little for you, I'm Annabeth Chase by the way.. I'll be blunt here, I have the power to make anyone fall in love with me, but I've never actually fallen in love myself. 

I got my powers when I was on a hike up Mount Greylock in.. Massachusetts I believe. My family had gone there for a vacation when I was 15. I got lost, and stumbled across a lake. I was so thirsty, and I knew how to filter water, so I drank some. Then when we were back in New York, I had a crush on this boy. I wanted him to like me back and the exact second I thought that, he instantly fell in love. I tried it with others to test my theory, and found out about my bizarre powers. 

So here I am, 25 year-old Annabeth, in love with some co-worker playboy guy, Percy Jackson. 

Now you are probably asking yourself, Annabeth, If you have love powers, why not use them? 

That's my dilemma! I don't want fake love! I want Percy to actually like me, for me! Plus, it's really not fair to you with peoples' feelings, even if you put them right afterward. 

But I've got a plan...


So there's this girl at my work, her name is Annabeth, but she makes us call her 'Ms. Chase' to be 'professional'. And get this! All the guys who used to find her 'intimidating' or 'judgy' are falling all over her, all of a sudden! They love her now..

It's making me crazy honestly! I mean, I've liked her for YEARS! And nothing! But now there's all these guys and I'm properly infuriated. Jesus! 

So how do I get the girl, you may be asking? Well.... ok yeah, I've got nothing! I'm stupid, ugly, not funny, not talented, UGH! And 'Ms.Chase' is brilliant, hot as fuck, hilarious, insanely talented,  and one of the strongest (mentally and physically) people I've ever met.

OH I'VE GOT IT! I'll invite her to my favourite spot in the whole entire world!! [ A|N Percy still acts like he's four lol


"Hey... Ms.Chase?" THE Percy Jackson said from behind me. 

"AHHHHHHHH!! HOLY SHIT! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I shrieked at the man I was so deeply in love with.

He held up his hands in defense. "Sorry! I just wanted to ask if.. well, if you wanted to maybe let me takeyouonadateatmyfavouritespot?" 

"Say again?" I asked, knowing exactly what he meant, but wanting to hear him getting sputtery for me.

He took a lengthy, deep breath and replied, "I-I w-w-wanted to know if y-you'd l-like t-to go on a d-d-date with m-me at m-m-my favourite s-spot in t-the w-w-world?"

I pretended to put lots of thought into it and consider, when after a minute or two I said, "Yeah, Sure." I almost laughed at his expression of relief. He then proceeded to tell me, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6?" I nodded and he walked away. Ugh, finally I could put the other guys' feelings right! Wait.. tomorrow is Saturday! Yes! That means Piper can come over and help me look decent! 

——The next morning (Still Annabeth's POV)——

I woke up at 9:30 am to the smell of sizzling bacon. Yep, Piper has awoken. She does this thing where she wakes up super early so as to let me sleep, but to get everything ready whilst I'm sleeping so I don't get in her way, and then she makes me breakfast in bed and has her personal massage lady give me a back rub and a foot rub so I'm relaxed. Yeah, I know I have a great bestie. We've been friends since Kindergarten, and now that she's rich, She likes to pamper me when I go on dates. 

Her husband died 4 years ago and left Piper and  her unborn child alone, so it was a hard year for her. I moved in to help her, and now we're roommates. In a house full of two 25 year old girls and one 3 year old girl, you can imagine that we party sometimes! Sure, the parties consist of watching movies with gluten-free popcorn but whatever! It's our house we can do what we want. Yes, I also pay the bills! 

But back to the story! After the morning relaxation routine, it was crazy mode time! Piper made me shave.. well, everything. She had my outfit picked out and was ready to do my makeup. I was getting really excited, and around 6:05, when I thought he wasn't coming, the doorbell went off. 

"Piper get it, I'm too depressed to stand!" I shouted. She opened the door, laughed out loud and yelled, "Annie, I don't think you'll be depressed when you see this!" 

I was intrigued, so I stood up, walked to the door and saw none other than Percy Jackson himself, with a black eye and cuts and bruises all over. I laughed and asked, "So, this is why you're late? Because you probably got into some childish fight?"

He feigned offense. "It wasn't childish! If you must know, I was defending you!" I was temporarily shocked, but I got over it and guiltily questioned, "You we're defending me? From who? Why?"

Percy explained that one of our co-workers, Matt Sloane, was calling me a slut, so Percy punched him. That was a dumb move because Matt had his whole gang to defend there asshole of a leader. 

When Percy had finished, I laughed and hugged him. "Y'know, you aren't so bad.. Jackson."

"Neither are you, Ms. Chase!" He put finger quotes around Ms.Chase, the name that I had everyone at work call me. "Annabeth is fine!" He looked very pleased with himself. 

"Ok lovebirds! Get out of the house! Go date!" Piper yelled, swatting us out.

Percy led me to his car, holding my hand while laughing at something I said. He drove me to this lake with a dock. He jumped in, and I lied down on the dock while I waited for him to resurface. He came up and laughed.

"Seaweed Brain."

"Wise Girl."

"Water boy!"

"Book face!"

"Hey Perce?"

"Yeeeeesss Ms. Wise Girl?"

"Thank You! Y'know, for defending me and getting all cut up and hurt!"

"Oh, no Probllama!"

We continued to have a funny, love filled date, and soon enough (8 or 9 months to be exact) we were engaged!

A|N Shit ending i know. But I need to go to sleep, it's 1:28 am!

That's all,


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